
The Green Monkey Retired to Stud!?

by  |  earlier

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Someone shoot me now! What on earth is this horse doing going to stud?! He is a failed racehorse with a not exactly red-hot pedigree.

This is why we have an over-production problem - sub-standard stallions covering sub-standard mares!

Anyone disagree with me or have another take on the situation?




  1. He is a part of thoroughbred history you know.

    But what I am still upset about is that his owners basically threw away $16 million!!! I mean who is stupid enough to buy a horse for that huge amount and probably never make a profit.

  2. I honestly believe that this was one of the horses that was sent to the track waaaaaay before he was ready. He had musculature problems from the get go. Those problems led to chiropractic problems... etc.

    He may have matured into something, a lot of horses never hit their peak until they are 5 or 6... but we will never know.

    I STILL have a hard time believing ANYONE would shell out that much $ on sales times alone! Seems to be a case of more bucks than brains...

  3. calm down just start barrel racing and western riding, its that simple, i should know Ive been competing and riding since like as far back as i can remember and if there one thing i know its that when you have a problem like you do take them in for training, then pay the 2 dollar exhibition fee and ride them in it and some people may be interested in buying your horse!!!!!!!

  4. The Green Monkey was injured as a two year old, thats why he wasnt racing well cause he never fully recovered, the horse was going to be one of the greats. he'll be a good sire.

  5. I think that the name 'Green Monkey' will evolve as a synonymous term for a horse that turns out to be a complete dud. I don't think the broodmares will be lining up for him.

  6. well, for 16 million he cant go to the rendering service now can he? I'm sure his pedigree must be a little better than you say or he wouldn't have brought that much. he'll end up somewhere there's oh by the way racing and he'll go away quickly.

  7. well there is some great racehorses that have failed to produce any or when they have not produced anything much to look at. but some these great  horses come out of mediocre horses. so some of the time its down to luck

  8. Only time will tell whether the move is a good one.  Everything has its price and breeding has a large random factor about it, so one can never tell.  Whether it goes to stud or not it will still be eating and wanting care so there is nothing lost so far as its owners are concerned, and the market place will soon find out if its offspring are any good. At least it will not be breeding criminals as this seems to be the best breeding class among humans.

  9. I agree... I think it's hilarious though, that they're retiring him without him ever winning a race.  I guess they expect people to gravitate to him because of his 2 year old sale workout time... and I suppose he probably has a lot of name recognition after he was bought for so much money.  I think it's really stupid that they're breeding him... as if the nonwinner of a 3 race career is going to produce some amazing stakes horse.  Just sell him to someone who wants to train a nice hunter jumper or event horse and make some of your money back.  I'm sure he's capable of something other than racing... let him go do it.  Or since 4 years old is hardly ancient, send him back to the races until he does win.

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