
The HHO kit?

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I have not been able to find one credible site that has done a scientific test to prove or disprove that this works. Does anybody have a link to one? I hear people say it's a scam and others say it works. I want to see scientific results.




  1. These things are a scam, Notice any forum posts or "honest" answers lead you to their own personal sites where there is always a link to where you can buy one. Basically it works like this. You Buy(Download and Print) the plans, the guy who hosts the site takes a cut and pays the guy who linked his site to you through an affiliate marketing site like Clickbank, Bidvertiser or other similar sites. The sad thing is this is totally legal. Since they are not selling you a product they have no liability. You buy the parts yourself so if anything goes wrong you are the one who has to handle everything. Just do some research on Affiliate Marketing and PayPerClick Marketing. These are the reason we have so much spam on the internet and in your mailbox. This is the same thing as those weight loss or diet pill scams where they mix in some green tea extract and caffeine and sell it to you for 50 dollars a bottle. Don’t take my word for it, But think about it like this. If these kits were true to their word, you would see them on every magazine cover and 10 O’clock news episode in every state. Be safe with what you buy on the internet.

  2. The basic fault to an HHO system claim is that the energy it takes to electrolyze water comes from the spare energy of the alternator. They point out that the alternator is already be spun by the engine so why not use the "spare" energy to make HHO.  

    There isn't "SPARE" energy,   current produced by the alternator creates a counter electromotive force that opposes the turning of the alternator. In otherwords the more current you take from the alternator the harder it is to turn the alternator to make that current.    Make the alternator work harder by producing more current and you make the engine work harder to produce that extra (SPARE) current.

    This is the basis for disproving HHO as a "Free" fuel source.  The energy obtained from the HHO gas doesn't match (the process is not 100% efficient) the energy required to produce the HHO.  Its a net loss process.

    HHO systems produce a combined O2 & H2 gas. Hydrogen is highly explosive and has a wide explosive range of nearly 90%. this means that the combined HHO gas is highly explosive and requires just a spark to cause it to detonate.

    There is a you tube video showing a hho fuel cell exploding (even though the people in the video exclaim it is pressure) it is really the HHO exploding. Look at the video in slow motion and you will see a sudden explosion of the container NOT a gradual build up of pressure that would be evident by bulging sides.

    Along with the explosion hazzard is the spraying of the caustic solution.  Caustic Soda or Sodium Hydroxide is added to teh water. During a HHO cell explosion this caustic solution is sprayed everywhere.

  3. Yes, I'm afraid that it is a scam.

    You'd think that if someone was offering a million dollars for the purveyors of these devices to simply prove that they work, there'd be a rush of people to take them up on that offer don't you?

    However, so far there isn't a single entry for the One Million Dollar HHO Challenge which doesn't require proof of a 50% saving, nor a 40% saving - just a 25% saving.

    Yet still, all those who claim to be getting this much and more have failed to front up for their million dollars.

    I think that tells you everything you need to know about whether the scammers claims are true or not.

  4. Here's an honest, non-biased answer:

    1. Try it for yourself. Run some electricity through water and baking soda, and hold a lighter to gas bubbles it produces.. OR full a balloon with the gas it produces , let the balloon next to a lit candle, and stand way back.

    2. Here's an nbc news video where they non-biasely tested an HHO setup for themselves.

    People who shout it's a scam are too lazy to try it.

    People who make outrageous claims, are usually using wishful thinking or selling you something.

    People who actually use this, are saving lots of money.

    If you want free plans to build your own and try it, I have free plans on my myspace page:



    To the yahoo member below by the ID name of "dontspam",

    I've never followed your links nor paid attention to your constant followups to my answers here. But since you keep brining that up in your edits, I followed that one link.

    I would enter that challenge under the following conditions:

    1. The million dollars would be PROMISED me in a legal contract.

    2.That legal contract and contest be held within the United States, so I'm sure of the payoff.

    3. The contest currently includes terms that discriminate against older vehicles. It specifies "Late model" in the terms. Any vehicle after '98 is likely to have a sophisticated set of o2 sensors which will detect the extra presence of oxygen in th exhaust and enrichen the fuel mixture. The contest must be permitting my current vehicle of use - my 94 Mazda.

    4. A certified mechanic perform the road test under CONSTANT video surveillance to document the entire test from start to finish. I'm pretty sure that my current 78 MPG (yes, it has gone up in the past 2 weeks) average will be more than sufficient to prove OVER a 20% increase from what the standard economy ratings of my vehicle.

    I know that my stipulations would not be met because the challenger:

    1. is currently not legally bound to pay the million if he's wrong.

    2. wouldn't post someone who does win anyway.

    3. Isn't warming to have the entire test performed by a NON-BIAS, certified mechanic on ANY vehicle. Meaning - he's afraid of losing something.. perhaps a million dollars or his larger-than-science ego?

    "dontspam", I have little respect for you and the new zealand website you continue to follow up my answers with. Not because you call me a liar, but because you haven't tried an HHO generator out for yourself - and you are obviously a non-educated individual. It makes sense that there's always someone trying to rip you off, but it's less enticing for you to stop being so LAZY and actually hook a set of jumper cables up to two stainless steel plates in container of water and light the hydrogen it produces.

    You keep saying that people like myself are in this just for the money and are lying about results.

    1. I have FREE plans of my designs put up on my site. I ask for nothing and charge nothing. There are hundreds of people who I can get to testify that I have spent moreso hundreds of emails and personal messages just helping them setup and troubleshoot their HHO generators for FREE.

    2. There are scam artists in everything - HHO included.

    That's why we encourage people to do the testing, work, research, and science themselves. We offer our findings, designs, and results to help them in the right direction. HHO isn't our only work, we also do Solar, Wind, and any other verifiable Alternative Energy.

    When we started, we approached HHO with a scientific mind - we didn't pre-conceive that it worked or didn't work until we TRIED IT FOR OURSELVES.

    3. A 20% increase can easily be achieved by changing one's driving habits. A 120-300% increase - is no placebo effect.

    Seriously man, get a life and consider going back to the 10th grade and sitting in on a few science classes.

  5. You won't find a reputable web site (and very good of you to see that, most don't) because this is a big SCAM.

    Scientific tests to disprove something are almost impossible, not the least because the fanatics ignore them. Eg, no one has ever "disproved" the hollow earth theories, at least not to those who believe in it.

    Real scientific proof is in the hundreds of years of engineering and science that show that perpetual motion machines are not possible. Not to count the fact that there have been many tens or thousands, if not more attempts to build and patent one, and not one has ever worked!

    Of course, I, or anyone (and it has been done many times) can go through an energy analysis of this, bit by bit, and prove it can't work, but that gets ignored. All you have to do is to look at the energy required to electrolyize water to H2 and O2, then see what the energy you get back from a combustion of those gases. And you get a small fraction back!

    Or you can look at the years of scientific effort to prove the laws of thermodynamics, or the laws of conservation of energy, both of which these violate.

    But the real proof, in my mind, is that if even a shred of reality existed that these machines worked, we would have one in every home and every automobile, and the inventor would be very rich. But I don't see this happening, do you?

  6. its a scam. Southwest reash in Austin Texas has the set up to do a test but they won't because its a scam.  People are going to jail over fuel enhancement system, what better proof.

    Yahoo search Dennis Lee and Paul Pantone.
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