
The Halloween holiday season made me wonder....?

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When did the aristocrats and royals of yesteryear have their infamous masquerede balls that are now in fantsies and art pieces? What time of the year did they usually have these balls?




  1. Oh, they had balls =) They would have then year round, for fun, and as a social gathering. It was kinda like having a house party today, or like having a group of friends over to hang out and have a few drinks. =)

  2. First noted in Italy during the 15th century Renaissance, Masquerade balls were costumed public festivities that were particularly popular in Venice. They were generally elaborate dances held for members of the upper classes, and have been associated with the tradition of the Venetian Carnival.

    Masquerade balls became common throughout mainland Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. A Swiss count, John James Heidegger, is credited with having introduced the Venetian fashion of a semi-public masquerade ball to London in the eighteenth century, with the first being held at Haymarket Opera House. Throughout the century the dances became popular, both in England and then Colonial America.

    The wearing of a mask and domino (like a long cape) gave one a great deal of freedom to behave in a way one wouldn't in ordinary life, so there were people like Henry Fielding who frowned upon the amusement, sayng they encouraged immorality and "foreign influence".  

    Traditionally, the Venetian Carnival starts around two weeks before Ash Wednesday and ends on Shrove Tuesday.

    During the 18th century, masked balls would take place during the Season (beginning some time after Christmas and ending around midsummer and coinciding with the sitting of Parliament) in London.  Affordable entrance allowed all classes of people to attend, adding to the thrill; the ball would also provide rich picking grounds for thieves and prostitutes.

    In England, the masquerade died out at the end of the 18th century; it's not clear why.

    They often feature in Regency Romances, providing writers with backgrounds for intrigue and danger.

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