I personally think The Hills have been taking their same storyline way too far, the infamous "Heidi and Lauren" incident. All the show is about friends turning on each other over and over and over again. It's getting really old extremely quick. And what in the world are the coincidences of the "enemies" or whatever being in the same exact place at the same exact time. Blah, blah, blah, Story of my life. Now that The Hills have come back for what the 4th season with still the same storyline from like 2 seasons ago, it is extremely fake. Ugh!!!
Baldwin Hills seems like anyone who is every one, doesn't matter what age or race or class has gone through the issues the put out there on Baldwin Hills. There's a little bit of the struggling, confrontation, loses, and everything else in the mix of that show. A lot of people can relate. Instead of little whiny girls from The Hills going at it over and over and over again. Baldwin Hills to me is the show that is real and people can relate to some of those issues airing in the scenes.