
The Hills tv show on MTV?

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I love the hills if you love the hills tell me why and who is your fav!!!!!!!




  1. Love it, my favorite is Audrina because she is so beautiful and nice.  LC used to be my favorite but now she acts weird now that LO is in the picture. Lo is so mean to Audrina, I wish I could slap her. :-)

  2. Whitney. She isnt the biggest star on the show but she is the prettiest. I felt so bad when she fell down the stairs on Good Morning America in the Hilary Swank dress. I LOVE her. Why do I like her so much? Because If anyone of the hills star made their own show. I would watch Whitney's especially if she goes to NYC for Peoples Revolution. Wouldnt it be awesome for her to have her own show set in the big apple.

    And who cant I stand? Duh Spencer. But I kinda hate that he is my least fav. b/c that is even giving him more attention than he deserves. He was a complete Douchebag to Heidi's sis. I hope she moves to LA and stays in there house forever and wont leave. lol.  

  3. I love the hills just because it's cool to see people in busy cali,livin' their life. all in fashion and what not.

    My fave is Lauren of course. I used to like Lo till she turned into a bizznatch against Audrina.

    Stephanie and Heidi I don't like at alllll. and spencer is a goof. he's so weird.

    Okay i'm done ranting. as you can tell,i watch this show. Hahah.

  4. i love the hills too!! even though there is like ALOT of drama i just love watching it! my fav definetly has to be lauren. she seems like such a cool, nice person, but still can stand up for herselff.

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