
The History Channel?

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I've known for a while that the history channel isnt exactly the best source of information, but when did they go from scientists to "theoreticians" that quite frankly look like hippies that got high and came up with their "theory" during one of their acid trips?

honestly, its ridiculous. i just wasted an hour of my life watching a program about how there is a black hole in the bermuda triangle, connected to another on the other side of the earth by a wormhole. what the h**l is that!? why would a channel supposedly dedicated to science and history actually air a program about a black hole in the bermuda triangle.

and then theres the shows about the moon hoax and 2012. gimme a break, thats not science and doesnt deserve a spot on television.

when did the history channel go from science to antiscience?




  1. I feel your pain on this one.  

    Perhaps if we all write our local cable company and complain so much that they quit carrying the history channel, then the History channel will shape up and quit airing jerry-springer-psuedo-science.

  2. Thank goodness for critical thinking skills, one of which is use of the remote.  But what do I know?  I'm watching the Giants play the Indians.  That's a waste of 3 hours of my life.

  3. For that matter, when did they go from history to science? But I just wanted to say that you shouldn't judge people by their appearance. Look at Stephen Hawking - to look at him, you'd never guess that he's a brilliant theoretical physicist, yet he is.

  4. It's a television channel. Their goal is to pull in ratings, not educate the public.

    I personally don't like all their sensational, "End of the World" programs, so I don't watch 'them.. It's a really easy solution, to a very simple problem.

  5. bcuz they can make more money broadcasting garbage than they can broadcasting real scince.

    pbs aren't driven by advertising, but they are driven by viewer support, and are always very careful not to annoy the anti-scince anti-evolution idiots out there.

    the history channel here in canada isn't bad. our version of discovery is 50/50 garbage and scince. tlc became unwatchable years ago.

  6. hahaha I just watched that to. I laughed when he mentioned wormhole. I think that it was just a way to make a quick cheap show while still attracting people to watch it. Do you think history channel cares if people believe there show, no they don't.

  7. The History Channel has become the television version of a supermarket tabloid.  I have written them my complaint that the ridiculous 2012 "documentary"  frightens a lot of kids and these people at the History Channel KNOW this story is a lot of horse-pucky.  And they have aired that garbage repeatedly.  They haven't written me back.

    Clearly they are not the least bit interested in facts or real history.  They are interested in whatever sensationalist bunk will draw an audience.  As far as that 2012 thing goes, I hope someone files a class action suit against them for child abuse.  I hope all the producers of legitimate documentaries will refuse to have them aired on the History Channel.  Personally, I'd like to see their greed and lack of standards backfire in their faces and the company go right out of business.

    That ridiculous Bermuda Triangle doc you mentioned doesn't surprise me a bit.  The more nasty e-mails they get about their programming, the more it will make their execs beam from ear to ear because it means they're being seen by more people.  Who are their sponsors?  Maybe we can drum up somewhat of a boycott.

    Good riddance.

    Spread the word, folks.  The History Channel is pure bunk and shouldn't be watched by anyone who is interested in facts.  You might as well get your information from The Weekly World News.

  8. Thank you for this question.  


    I'd like to know why the h**l we have to look at those nerds with pony tails and string ties talking to begin with.  Is it supposed to lend credibility to the program?  Honest to God why, why, why, do we even have to see them talk.  They often only repeat what the narrator just said.  Are we the audience perceived to be so dumb that we have to hear things twice?



    That's why I call it "the talking heads" channel because every program on the History Channel does this.  It's so distracting I have often just switched channels.  


    Thanks, had to be said.



  9. Science in general has been 'dumbed down' the last few years.  I really notice it on PBS's Nova program, it used to be a lot more technical, now it's more superficial.

    I think it has to do with the new ethics of broadcasting.  The goal is not to educate but to make money, and they can make more money talking about Nostradamus, 2012, UFOs, etc. than dry old actual science.  They would argue that they're just giving people what they want.

    TLC or one of those channels is rerunning the Cosmos series over and over.  Though the production values are dated, and the special effects are certainly dated, the science content is excellent.  It's really a shame we can't do that today.

  10. Yes, I've noticed this too--thanks for bringing this into the forefront!  

    I've also noticed the Discovery Channel (which used to be a reputable source of scientific information)--now they have "reality" programs like "Deadliest Catch", "Dirty Jobs", and a "Survivor"-like program about two teams surviving in the wilds of Alaska.  WTF?!  Give me a break--please!

    But the program on TDC that takes the cake is the one with some guy who's trying his best Steve Irwin impression about surviving in the wilderness.

    One episode has him ripping apart a dead camel with his buck knife to show us how to survive in the desert using a dead camel's body and what it has to help you survive!

    WOW!  Just what I always needed to know!  Yeah, right!

    And, finally, there's "Naked Science" on the National Geographic Channel.  

    What you think might be a reputable science program caters to the lowest common denominator!  Who are they appealing to?  Brain-dead 10-year-olds?  

    And the thing that drives me crazy is when the show introduces various people, they use a "Matrix-style"  pan-cam of the person (a high-speed profile of the person--front, sides, and back)--WTF??!  What's up with all that?  Stupid!!!!

    Yep, I know EXACTLY what you mean!

    BTW, want to watch a good program?

    Watch Ken Burns' "Civil War" series.  Now, THAT'S a real history program, both educational and informative!

  11. You got this from the HISTORY CHANNEL?


  12. yes, i am sad to say that the history channel has lost their touch of knowledge and has plunged into the mucky depths of misinformative information. i remember when the history channel had nova episodes on there and often talked about different historical events in great accuracy. but alas, all good things must come to an end. unfortunately now, they are shamelessly endorsing the 2012 c**p, the bermuda triangle, and are even pushing the existance of intelligent design over the theory of evolution.

    i would say that they started these antiscience programs a couple of years ago, but their problems have spiked recently. "ice road truckers?" "deadliest catch?" those programs don't beling on the history channel those are reality shows.

    the thing that gets me the most, like you said, is the moon landing. they recently aired a documentary saying it was a hoax. that is the last program i will ever watch on the history channel. its bad enough that people don't believe in it, but for a trusted (people think its trusted) program network to push that sort of thing? it was apalling.

    i'm glad you posted this question. now i know someone shares my views on the history channel.

    if you want better educational programming, i highly recomend nova, the universe, and the science channel. unfortunately, the history channel will probably never return to its previous glory.

    i think the reason why it changed in the begining was to attract more of an audience. unfortunately people would rather see supposed sightings of the lockness monster and big foot than learn about real sience and history. history channel is a lot more popular now- but they have lost my attention.

  13. The history channel has the 2012 hoax on there website store, i personally think the whole 2012 thing is garbage but the history channel has the dvd called "Life Without People" and i thought that was a good show.
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