
The Host~~~~ Is it any good?

by Guest63743  |  earlier

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I've read the Twilight series and I loved it, but I'm wondering if the Host is worth the read?




  1. It is good and I think it is worth the read.  Just keep in mind that it is very different than Twilight.

  2. it's really good! you should definitely check it out. it's still a love story but it's not totally based on it... it's really different from twilight but it's still written really well. it gets a bit slow in the middle, drags on a bit. but other than that it's great! i really didnt like one of the main characters, but the other one makes up for her. checkitout =]

    stephenie describes it as sci fi for people who don't like sci fi, that pretty much sums it up. :]

  3. It's definitely the read. It's written totally different from Twilight, sometimes it doesn't seem like the same author. The style is more mysterious, and there is a bit more violence. Still, no sexual scenes, such as in Twilight.

    I stayed up for two nights to finish it, I am so glad I did. I was amazing, I loved it. It gets confusing, I won't deny it, but once you get the hang of it, it's great.

    One thing that is weird is that the aliens are really, truly good. The humans are the bad guys, the violent ones. You get used to it. To read the book, you really need to try to remove yourself from the human POV. Or, of course, you can side with Melanie. I love both the main characters, though.  Have fun! Enjoy!

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