
The IMPORTANCE of trash?

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I'm looking for positive aspects or trash and garbage. Wewere taught since childhood that trash is bad and smelly.

But how would our world be different if we didnt have trash? Are there any animals that live/depend on trash? Effects to the homeless?

Thanks everyone!




  1. Thats a silly question.

    There cannot be no trash and certainly if there wasn't then society would be completely different so you cannot make comparisons between the two.

  2. the importance of trash and landfills will become obvious over the next couple of generations. as ignorant people continue to throw out reusable and recyclable items into landfills, in the near future a new industry of mining plastic and aluminum cans and glass from these will result. And probably use more oil in the process. so i guess garbage is important

  3. Any benefit would be a stretch when weighed against the cons. But here's one: job security for archaeologists.  Much of what they do is pick through ancient trash and dump sites.

  4. It is only recently that we have found a benefit from landfills, and some companies have started to harvest the methane gas that landfills produce.

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