
The Illusion of Invulnerability from Groupthink?

by Guest10699  |  earlier

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Why does the Illusion of invulnerability create excessive optimism that encourages taking extreme risks in a group?

Where does this optimism come from ?




  1. It is easier to be brave with others around you, than it is to be brave when you are alone and on your own.

  2. We start to assume to each person in the group has a specific thing they excel at. This means that if what was proposed wasn't a smart idea, someone would have spoken up. Its similar as to why people are more likely to aide those in need if they are alone, rather than in groups.

    The extremem optimism could also be a result of trying to impress our friends or people around us. The bigger the risk we take, the more glory if the works.

  3. Maybe we all overestimate our own abilities, objectivitiy, and intelligence...

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