
The Insce Co agrees to remove one limb from a tree if I "agree to remove the remaining tree as a matter of

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priority". This is a large tree & will be expensive. I need time to research options. How long is reasonable before I make my decision?

A large still hanging tree limb may in future fall & damage my house.




  1. The insurance company does not pay for maintenance. If the tree is dead/dying - it is your responsibility to remove it.  The insurance company does not pay to remove trees to prevent future losses.  

    Usually the insurance company only pays to remove the part of the tree that fell on a covered structure and caused damage. So, if one limb falls on your house and damages the house...then they only remove the one limb -- not the still standing tree.

    If the limb has not even fallen yet and the insurance company is willing to give you something to remove that limb....take that money and run to the bank with it.

    Usually you don't get paid anything (at least in my experience).

    If you want to know how much time you have to whomever wrote the letter and ask them (if no deadline in the letter).

  2. Absolutely what she said. [shrugs]

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