
The Ju87 commonly refered to a Stuka. What is the German acronym of any dive bomber.?

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Stuka is a German aircrafter in WW2.




  1. Stuka is the abbreviation of Sturzkampfflugzeug ("Diving Warplane"), there is no known acronym for a dive bomber.

  2. Sturzbomber = dive bomber

    acronym = St.G. for:

    Stukageschwader = stuka air wing

    Stukagruppen = Stuka squadron

    as in St.G.77 = Stukageschwader (Dive bomber squadron) No. 77.

  3. stuka is simply the name of that particular dive bomber the germans made several types all with different names. Hs-123 was the stukas predecessor yet it isn't called a stuka. The Hs stands for henschel the planes maker. the germans didn't have an acronym as such for planes that is done by plane junkies who don't want to use the long complicated german titles the planes come with originally.

  4. I believe that the acronym is Stuka.


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