
The Kite Runner Quotes?

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So i read the kite runner quite a while ago & i thought it was amazing & well written! Was wondering if anyone had some favorite quotes from the book, or meaningful passages...




  1. "War doesn't negate decency. It demands it, even more than in times of peace."

    "A boy who won't stand up for himself becomes a man who can't stand up to anything"


  2. "there is a way to be GOOD again.", page 1..

    The best quote I've ever seen...

  3. need a quotes from Ali with page number?

  4. i like, "for you a thousand times over" because its ironic in the book, yet has alot of meaning for Amir,
    also “But if I asked he wouldn’t deny me”  and "When you lie, you steal a persons right to the truth" ultimately Stealing is the worst kind of sin.

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