
The L.A. Clippers are officially goin to kill this year whose with me?

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they have so many good players now!!!




  1. ya i know i am excited to see what it is going to be like...... all of the changes.....

  2. Not sure Playoffs but definitely more wins than last year.

  3. yah i know, they have picked up some very good players from other teams for practically nothing, unfortunately they lost brand and maggette but overall if everybody is healthy they will be a playoff contender

  4. One thing scares me about the Clippers......THEY ARE THE CLIPPERS!  

  5. i dont think they will be as good your saying like, but yeah they will be good they will make the playoffs  

  6. Dude, you got to be kidding me. There in the western conference, not eastern. Just because they got B-Diddy, Camby, Davis, and White Chocolate doesn't make them great. Just because the JailBlazers had both Jermaine O'Neal and Sheed didn't make them great. It all depends on chemistry and conference. The clippers won't kill, they'll get murdered.

  7. If Marcus, Kaman, and Davis can all stay healthy and the chemistry works out then I don't see why not. They have a deep bench and could make the playoff with 6-8 seed.

  8. If they were in the Eastern Confrence they would make the Playoffs but not in the West.

  9. They lost more than they gained. They'll miss the playoffs.

  10. No they dont they wont even make da playoffs

  11. im not with you....

  12. 1. Baron (Dallas worst nightmare)

    2. Ricky (He will listen to Pg he had in his carrer)

    3. J.Will (still top 5 passers in the NBA...dont think he still don't have some "White Choclate" in him.

    4. M.Camby (still top 5 defensive centers) he has the heart of a LION..F his age.

    5. Tim Thomas is better then Maggette to he's not afraid to take the last shot...he will be more open now.

    6. Azubukie...another solid player in the making...that boy is strong....that retarted offense to Josh Smith.

    7. Chris Kamen (use to have a A.D.D. problem last year or so and it hurt him with remembering plays...i seen a special on him trying to fix it and he seems good to go to me.

    8. o lets not forget Mobely (still top 20 SG...tell me he's not)....matta fact tell me the LAKERS look better on paper....dont lie to yourself.....oooooo i forgot about Shaun Livingston (he's dunking again F.Y.I. and that boy is a problem....the next MAGIC)...I See you Al Thorton...just dont know what to say about you....he's good

  13. to the first guy...

    i have lint in my pocket that could analyze a team better then you, and with correct grammar to boot!

    clippers will not win anything... other than a high lottery pick.

    baron isn't playing dallas for 82 games. ricky davis only helps you lose. jason williams has never been a top 5 passer. HAHAHA tim thomas is better than corey maggette... yeah, okay. cuttino mobely who i like, is NOT a top 20 guard. there is said it. i dared.

    whatever i'm getting mean... trying to work on that. clippers suck. oops... mean again. drat!

  14. They're gonna be a different team. They gonna beast this year. Watch out for em.

  15. i think ur misplace la clippers with philly sixers.....if u actually think the clippers will kill ur a dumfuk......baron davis is goin to be too busy in the clubs to care about wins

  16. al thornton will be their franchise player in 3 years time

  17. What's with all these fools using abusive language AGAINST the Clippers.

    The Clippers currently are in the top 8 in the Western Conference. You have to analyze the fact that they got Camby for nothing. They have Baron Davis, an uptempo guard, who really seams to be a people-person. Although J-Will is worsening, he's still ready to give it all he's got in being a sixth-man. Al Thornton is improving and expect great things from Eric Gordon.

    Clippers are making it to playoffs for sure...

    I like the recent acquisitions they've been making, hope it's for the best. Go PACIFIC COAST!

  18. their not even gonna make it bra, they lost elton brand, correy maggette and others. Playoffs: nope Baron got screwed!

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