
The Lakers are sharing same arena with Clippers,but are them playing in the same floor ???

by Guest32675  |  earlier

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The Lakers are sharing same arena with Clippers,but are them playing in the same floor ???




  1. yeah they have to  put on the logos for the team in the arena

  2. No, not at all..

    haha, they just don't erase the logo


    Umm, i've been to the staples center.. and walked on the floor/court

    If you look closely there's little, little cracks,well..not cracks but you get it right? it looks like the floor is made up of lots of puzzle pieces.. Like a jigsaw puzzle..

    That's how they take it out and put in all the events they have.. easy removal and it's easy to put it back.


  3. They play on different floors painted with each teams colors and logos.

  4. after every game the floor can actually be removed. so when lakers play, its THEIR floor and vis versa.

  5. yeah its just a bunch of pieces they put together before which ever home team plays.

    you'll know who's court it really is when you look at the seats....cause they're purrrrple! go lakers! haha

  6. Like most if not all NBA floors, it's a puzzle.

    About a hundred or so pieces of the court makes up the Lakers and Clipps floor.

    The pieces are removable for other events like Hockey wrestling boxing x games etc.

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