
The Landers earthquake of 1992?

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Here's something interesting I found.

"Its M(w) 6.1 preshock and M(w) 6.2 aftershock had their own aftershocks and foreshocks."

How is it possible for a foreshock and an aftershock to have its own foreshocks and aftershocks (I know the aftershocks of aftershocks are secondary aftershocks)?




  1. From USGS:

    Landers, California

    1992 06 28 11:57:34 UTC

    Magnitude 7.3

    Big Bear, California

    1992 06 28 15:05:30 UTC

    Magnitude 6.5

    The Big Bear quake was initially thought to be an aftershock of thee Landers quake, but later determined to be a separate event on a different fault line, triggered by the Landers quake.  The USGS summary doesn't mention the 6.1 foreshock, but does list another quake in the region some 2 months prior: 1992 04 23 - Joshua Tree - M 6.2  

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