
The Law Is The Law?

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While on the highway you have slow lanes and fast lanes.The speed limit is 60 .police officers issue tickets to speeders.I understand you can get a ticket going even just 5 miles over. Is the fast lane designed for those to break the law and go way over the speed limit ? to use the fast lane how fast is fast legally for you to be traveling in it legal? What speed are you requiered to do if you go in the fast lane? Say for one reason or another I had to be in the fast lane .Say while in the fast lane. One driver is doing 25 miles per hour over.I'm doing 10 miles per hour over .Theres an accident the 25 miles per hour drivers claimes i caused the accident because i was driving to slow. who's at fault? Also say what if i was doing the speed limit in the fast lane who would get the ticket if the speed limit is 60 and the only cause of the accident was a speed factor? If the speed limit is 60 how fast is fast with out breaking the law for you to travel in the fast lane?




  1. Rules of the Road

    If you're speeding, traveling faster than the speed limit or faster than the other cars in the right hand lane, you're either setting the acceptable speed without traffick cops or you're following the fastest car on the road.

    If you're driving at a slower speed, there's most likely an increased chance of an accident happening if you're not in the right hand lane.

    The Speed Differential is what causes accidents when people drive slower than the faster cars in the Left Hand Lane or drive slower than the speed limit.

    The LAW says that you can travel the speed limit up to 4 mph faster than what's posted on the sign. If you're in traffick or if your around Policemen, you should drive at the speed limit & not above the speed limit.

    Most police follow the fastest car of the Freeway rule, you would be able to tell if the police officer were not following that rule.

    If you're in Europe it is generally safe to hire a driver because they're on narcotics or trying to drive someone else's car with someone else's brain most of the time. (Things Big Egos of Europe do to feel powerful, normal people think it's just plain stupid.)

  2. ha 60 i go 100MPH+

  3. Lets look at this logically:

    1.  Speed Limit is 60 MPH

    2.  Anything over 60 MPH is in violation of the Speed Limit.

    3.  Therefore: You must pass at 60 MPH.

    A.  Car in front of you is driving 60 MPH.

    B.  You are driving at or below the speed limit.

    C.  Therefore you will never need to pass the car in front of you.

    A.  Car in front of you is driving below the speed limit.

    B.  You are driving the maximum posted speed limit.

    C.  Therefore you will catch and pass on the left without needing to speed up.

    Of coarse this is on paper.  If everyone traveled at the speed limit there would be no need for a passing lane, except for accidents and turning vehicles, and it would be much safer on the road.

    As George Carlin told us, in the real world you have:

    Dummies: Cars driving slower then you.

    Maniacs: Cars driving faster then you.

    Crazies: Cars driving the same speed as you.

    My personal favorite is the

    Spazoids: Cars driving first slower, then faster, then slower, then faster...well you get the point.

    Your best bet is to drive the speed limit.  When you catch up to a slower car, signal, check for safety, then gently speed up enough to pass the slower car quickly and return to the driving lane on the right and the posted speed limit.

    At no time is the passing lane for driving.

  4. In most states, the posted speed limit is the absolute limit and it's illegal to exceed it under any circumstances.  In some states, "safety" under specific conditions may be a legal defense to exceed the posted limit.
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