
The Law of has it worked for you?

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Only answer if you really believe in the law of attraction and have actually used it yourself please.

What have you asked for and what have you received? How long did it take?




  1. It works, but only because of the social effect.

    You project what you desire.

    Most people around you, consciously or unconsciously,  

    would prefer to see you happy, so they are inclined to

    give it to you.

    It will work better for small things than for large ones,

    and for things that don't negatively impact others.

    It works far better for kids than adults.

  2. Me and my wife are totally different in almost every way,but even after all these years i can't get enough of her,so there's some truth in the old saying that opposites attract.

  3. I think it's worked, but in a very roundabout way.  I attracted what I wanted, which was the move to NM, but it didn't manifest the way I had thought it would.  

    I am in a situation where I moved against my better judgment to a place (Las Vegas) I don't like just to please my parents.  I absolutely hate the climate and have whined about it from day one.  I have not been able to secure a permanent job in the 5 months I've been here (not for lack of trying either), my family is miserable, I'm miserable and now even my parents are regretting convincing me to be here.  I had wanted to go to NM, but they advised against it, so I listened and did what they wanted. I held a negative attitude, negative aspirations, and negative thoughts through this whole transition to Vegas and I have received all negative results.  

    However, this is not as bad as it sounds.  This needed to happen so that my parents could see that I do know what's best for me and my family and that this place is not it.  Living in close proximity to them is not it.  

    Now, I have to move away and I'm excited.  It's what I've been waiting for.  I'm moving back home to NM where I've wanted to return to for years and years and it's because of these bad circumstances that the opportunity to go to NM presented itself.  I'm confident and positive that I will be able to find a job over there, my family is going to love it, and we're going to settle down and live better than we have in a long time.  I imagine already being there, I can feel the change in the climate and I love it. I wake up every morning and just thinking about being there makes my soul do cartwheels!  

    So everything is working out, it just took going "the scenic route" to get here.

  4. I believed all right, only to find out that the Law ot Attraction was the Path of Destruction........of dreams and ideals.

  5. Your Answer:

    We all know the effects of the law of attraction and how does this one helps us in our daily life, but let me be sincere to you, since i knew about something called The SGR Program Home Study Course my life in my past 2 months has been different in a totality, and i don´t lie respecting this.

    I´ll tell you my brief story. My name is Juan Francisco an I’m a 25 year old person. I’m not inferring I’m rich, but I have a wealthy life certainly, I accede a university, I have my girlfriend named Laura, I live with both of my parents, and I don´t deny I live in exceptional conditions, but I’m not mentioning i have benefits like cars, or a house of 1000m2, nor a club. But everything changed 2 months ago; this e}when a friend of mine, who´s a big fan of the secret, follows Bob Proctons ideas and puts in practice everything told me about The SGR Program Home Study Course. At the beginning i didn´t gave much attention to it, but then i realized the effects of this one, and how did it work. I evidently bought it, and certainly things have changed for me. Before acquiring the SGR Program Home Study Course i certainly frequented the secret for everything which meant health, wealth and personal life, but after acquiring The SGR Program Home Study Course I don’t know how to explain the changes occurring.

    • In first matters, certainly focused using The SGR Program Home Study Course for wealth, and focused most of all in my monthly abundance. I continually used The SGR Program Home Study Course and in 8 days after using this one, my monthly profit increased almost 3 TIMES THAN USUAL. This thus my father works and earns a fix monthly profit, which allow me and my sister studies, alimentation and spare money. But to be serious his income wasn’t much, and the work was harsh and hard enough for anybody to arrive daily in bad mood. But by the law of attraction destiny, was promoted, consequently increasing my month profit which was in $1,100,000 Colombian pesos ($700 US), to $4,000,000 Colombian pesos ($2500 US), I couldn´t believe this, at the beginning I thought he had done something out of bounds, but then I got to know he was evidently promoted, and i couldn´t state my happiness.

    • In secondary matters, I desired to acquire even better electronics, in my case, a 3g cell phone and a laptop computer. I had in my mind saving money to acquire this, bu t my studies required me a new pc, thus the capacity of my pc was already fulfilled with enough lab reports, medical scientific studies, and evaluations, which occupied the capacity in almost a 100%, and as my hobbies had been tennis for almost 7 years, I subscribed in a tournament held in my friends club, with hopes enough ti win it. My tennis play had certainly improved, but when I played this tournament I was amazed, my forehand was a missile launcher, and my backhand was no different than the one from Roger Federer. Since I had acquired The SGR Program Home Study Course, I had focussed in my sport too, but I didn’t gave this one major importance thus it didn’t made major influence on my life, AND EVEN, I DIDN´T FOCCUSED ON THIS ONE IN A 100%, AND I WON THIS TOURNAMENT The final result was 6-3 4-6 6-1. But what impressed me, that hi didn´t knew, was the winning price, i won a bonus of $5,000,000 Colombian pesos ($3000 US) in stores. With this money i bought me my ultimate HP pc, with 250 gb, 3.2GHZ processor, and 4gb ram memory. And in cell phone area, I bought me a Nokia n95 and with the spare money, i bought myself an iPod classic 160gb. With $500 US remaining

    • All this had been happening to 3 weeks after buying the product, and to my surprise i was so focused on the program, that i didn’t knew what something else to desire, thus thanks to The SGR Program Home Study Course i had my recent desires. But everything came to a family issue. My uncle in Medellin was discovered a Tumour in his neck, his physical conditions were not the most properly wanted by anybody, and he was examined; he was diagnosed metastasis, and that the central Tumour wasn´t able to be located. To prevent things getting worse, the tumour in the neck was extirpated. He was suited to radiotherapy. Days passed, and i used The SGR Program Home Study Course to desire health for him, all this, until my mother told him to examine himself with another doctor, one friend of my mother and recognized in Colombia, named Leon Jairo Londoño. He was exanimate again and by unknown means, he didn’t have metastasis. He did have cancer, but as he had the central rumour extirpated from his neck, the only action remaining to take was radiotherapy. Now his conditions are almost perfect, and in matter of days I estimate, his cancer would finish affecting his health and my moral stability, thus it has not affected his body and the doctor predicts it will be over in a phew time.

    I repeat, just 2 months ago, I acquire The SGR Program Home Study Course and i don´t know if this testimony helps you influence o



  7. I believe the Law of Attraction works in social psychological terms only.  It isn't a principle around which the Universe is organised.  Consequently, it works in some areas but not others.  For instance, you can't attract cheques in the post like that guy in the 'Secret' without conning people, which he is on record as doing.  He's a conman.

    I work in alternative medicine, an industry where many people believe very strongly in the Law of Attraction.  However, most of the people i know who do this are very poor.  It could work as a way of getting someone to come back to you for a further consultation, by bolstering how convincing you are to someone - i.e. you believe in it enough to persuade them subconsciously to return.  That could also lead to good word of mouth.  I have seen that happen, but any idea that it's a cosmic principle is bunkum.  So far as i'm concerned, in that sense it has been falsified by the financial failure of other people involved in herbalism - there are stronger forces involved, but people have strongly believed in it in that area.  However, it does work on the level of being convincing to others in personal terms.  That lends it to being applied to scams and confidence tricksters very effectively, so i would be wary.  There are pyramid schemes linked to the Secret, for example.

    In other words, the truth is, as usual, much more complex than it working or not working.

  8. I've been using the LOA since I was a wee lil lad. Have been aware of it for about 20 years. That being said I have not manifested the millions, mansion & lavish lifestyle promised. That is a myth. Although possible & some appear to have done it. There are a few things missing form that story they tell in The Secret.

    While it is true in its entirety, the Secret overplays the life you will create bcuz it doesn't mention many other contributing factors to this bizness of creating your reality. Like what your soul wants.

    We came into this life to have certain experiences. Joy is one of them. But to learn how to navigate this realm & to set up the Joy n Bliss you require contrast. A life of ease does not provide that. Our souls would be bored. Also, what the ego wants is useless . Which is proven by all the famous n rich people who don't seem all that happy.

    But it does work.

    To give you a few examples to encourage you .... We were driving to Las Vegas from LA on a friday afternoon. Something you never do unless you want to sit in traffic n turn a 4 hour drive into 6-7 hours. We ran into heavy traffic soon after leaving as expected. But I did my magic & soon after the traffic cleared up & we got to Vegas in less than 5 hours !! This was the experience that convinced my wife I wasn't crazy as she "knew" we were screwed for leaving at the time we did. She is now a believer.  

    My wife was another of my "creations". I was falling in love with her & spent my entire work day (as a bus driver) imagining us together & mainly showing her how much Iloved her. More giving than receiving (might be important to note) . I only did this bcuz it kept me sane. I wasn't trying to make anything happen. I was just so lovesick & tired of my job it was the only thing that brought me peace n got me thru the day. So i kept on doing it everyday. This is btw the most consistent I have been with anything in my life. Her & I knew eachother but I held no illusions about us ever being together. WE weren't even in the same state !!  But to get to the end here, we began to communicate more n more & fell madly in love over the phone ( like story book love !!) This all took about 2 months to start manifesting. But I was really dedicated. We will soon celebrate 4 years together & have a beautiful 2 yr old daughter !!

    Other than that I can make green lights stay on longer so I can get thru them & my entire work day experience depends on what I focus on. This takes minutes, seconds not days ... each day depends on my focus. Don't follow you negative stuff ... notice .. stop n choose something else ... make a notebook of instantly happy thoughts n images & dreams .... place your attention on those things as often as possible & especially to get out of ruts.

    This spiritual life takes a certain amount of dedication n retreating from the "real" (fake) world & the more you give to it , the more you will receive & the faster results you will see.  

    Oh yeah. I recommend Abraham as the best source of LOA guidance. (by Esther Hicks)  

  9. do you mean the opposites attract?

  10. There are numerous occasions in which I ave used it.  I have received occasionally but not always.  I have to admit I was introduced to the idea through the now what I consider to be virtually the most analytically ignorant of them all and annoying representation of this, the movie and book, The Secret.  I have confidence in the human imagination so much that even something that is heavily associated with popular culture such as The Secret, possibilities could at least be possible theoretically or practically through logical investigation.

    So I used the secret for when my band was to play with another band, a band that was a national act, not just a local band like my band.  I specifically expected this to work, and it did, but then any logical mind my refer to the law of attraction as mistaking it as common probability and coincidence.

    Another instance of this would also be when I went to Guitar Center to buy a Gibson Les Paul and had no money, I was determined to get this guitar once I played it once.  After watching The Secret I was inspired again and walked in there seemingly having no way to get the guitar.  I asked one of the guys working the floor if there was any way, because I thourgholy thought that I could get it.  It does turn out that they had this credit card for a year that did not have monthly payments, you could pay whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted for a year only.  So the guitar costed me 2000 dollars; I could pay 1000 each of the last remaining 12 months and successfully not get any interest on late payments....only for year though, if I did not pay the amount in the year, I got tons of interest on the money they lent me.  I did pay it off....  But I went in that day and got the guitar.  I got this item that I thought HAD NO POSSIBILTY of owning previous to my encounters with the idea of the law of attraction.

    When it does not work for me, which is FAR frequently, I tend to PERSONALLY think I am some how over analyzing something throwing it off.  This could be some kind of way of my mind protecting myself from thinking of it because A, it is not real and I have to protect me ego, or B, I want to think it isnt real and I attract all of this bad juju and make myself believe that it is not real...IDK

    My point is this It could work, it couldnt work...the person has to decide.

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