
The Leader Of Iran Says Gas Prices Are Artificially Inflated?

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  1. Just so everyone knows, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is not the leader of Iran.  His powers are far, far less than the real leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.  Khamenei is the commander and chief of the Iranian military and has the final word on all foreign and domestic policies, including Iran's nuclear program.  Ahmadinejad is a half-wit and no one should be listening to what he's saying...including you Mr. McCain!

  2. What a hypocrite. If he believes that's so, why isn't Iran selling their oil for $50 a barrel then?

    "Without naming countries, the Iranian leader said "hidden and unhidden hands are at work to control the prices mendaciously to pursue their political and economic aims."

    He said the goal of "powerful and international capitalists" was to keep the price of oil and energy ""

    Or does he put himself in the same boat as the pwerful and international capitalists?

  3. The scare is to get americans to buy small cars--from Japan or from the west of us.  Get it?  So if we all start driving small cars(made of cheap steel and plastic), does the gas crisis blow over?   And what are we doing with the big gas guzzlers made of SOLID HIGH QUALITY STEEL?  Melt them down, to use the steel for......?  If you put the pieces of the puzzle together, you will see that the US is paying top dollar for steel, copper, and lots of those solid materials.  Why?  Where are these materials going to and why?  There was a gas crisis in the 70's under JCarter Administration.  The Iranians had cut us off and a hostage takeover was involved.  And funny thing, Carter was in the works of playing mediator to Egypt and Israel.  I wonder why Israel is always in the picture when our oil supply comes to issue?  And where is my big truck going towards the war effort? Something to ponder about.

  4. And he is right to say so. I tell you Ahmadenajad is a loony but he makes a valid point here. Supply is available, demand BASED on the price of gas is certainly not THAT high since well ... no one can afford it.

    So yes speculators and traders are making the prices go up.

    here is today article about gas prices raising

    Now i will say ... i am an analyst as well from "duh chmock" financial and i say that everything is perfectly well with oil ... will they lower the price of the barrel?

    It takes one moron to come up with some hypothesis and they all jump on it.

    Oil prices NEED to be regulated.

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