
The Lone Gunmen (show) is so underrated...?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I got a question...why did The Lone Gunmen, the show, stopped. And why isnt it popular? It was halarious!!!!!!One of the best shows!!!!




  1. it was interesting. I think they only made 13 episodes.

    why did it stop?  either the producers or the network decided it didn't have good enough ratings or the right demographics.

    It never got as popular as X-files.

  2. The Lone Gunmen really appealed to a different audience than the X-Files did.  the X-Files had already lost a lot of its' audience, and Xphiles didn't appreciate TLG. It had a hard time finding and keeping another audience.  It also struggled because a lot of the production crew was working on both shows at the same time.

    I agree; we owe a lot to the trio that made geekiness cool.  It's too bad they didn't get to do more.  

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