
The Loyal Toast often has the words "God Bless Her" added. Is this correct. is "The Duke of Lancaster " OK

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Duke of Lancaster only OK if Lancastrian




  1. When toasting Her Majesty here on the Isle of Man the Toast is Her Majesty the Queen Lord (and that is correct Lord) of Man which is what she here on the Isle of Man but i would say that you are wrong at a guess I would say it is possibly Her Majesty the Queen Duke of Lancaster but this is only a guess

  2. God bless her, is fine the other, no it is not.

  3. The loyal toast should be proposed  as ' Ladies and gentlemen (as appropriate), The Queen. The correct response is simply, 'The Queen'.

    The Queen is Duke of Lancaster so it is also correct to propose the toast to the Queen, Duke of Lancaster, but only when in the County Palatine of Lancaster. The response, remains simply, The Queen. The Duchy of Lancaster is not the same as the county of Lancashire but holds property in Lancashire and elsewhere.

  4. Her Majesty the Queen is The Duke Of Lancaster, I am a proud Lancastrian and say that I am proud that Her Majesty is my Duke as well as my Queen !

  5. Yes, the Duke of Lancaster is ABSOLUTELY correct, though it is usually only used by Lancastrians. "God save the Queen" and "God bless the Queen" are more common than God bless her, since it is somtimes considered impolite to address the Queen in third person.


    Note that it is totally INCORRECT to refer to her as the Duchess of Lancaster, as she is the DUKE of Lancaster.

  6. your all wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Hello! Her Majesty the Queen holds the title Duke of Lancaster (not Duchess!!) too. She does not have to be - and in fact is not - Lancastrian.

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