
The Maya civilization believed that the apocolipse will be in 2012, why are we not preparing?

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  1. cybercom is a fruitloop.  just look at his picture. he is as weird as they come. please somebody send him a virus

  2. People are. look here.

    I find it interesting and read about it, but if the predictions on this site are true I'm screwed as I live by the coast at sea level.  Oh well......

  3. Here's decent information on the subject:

    Another opportunity for people to cash in I guess...

  4. Because my diary only does 2008 and 2009 and i cant plan to far ahead to 2012

  5. Which calendar are you using? It's 5700 something in the Jewish one. There's also a 7 year math error in our calender, so it's really 2014.

    The Mayan calendar supposedly stops at "Dec. 21, 2012, when the Maya's "Long Count" calendar marks the end of a 5,126-year era. "

    One problem is calculating this date to our calendar. An excerpt from some discussion runs: "in which the Venus Round is cut short after 61 Venus cycles to locate a new 1 Ahau Sacred Day of Venus near an actual Venus morningstar appearance, is probably only one of many conceived by the Maya...potent Venus Round of 37,960 days...dichotomy between Lounsbury's work and Thompson's, ... correlation question...Thompson correlation of 1930 (corr# 584285), while Thompson himself revised it 2 days in 1950 (corr# 584283).

    So what will happen on this date (or has already happened, or may happen some indefinite time before or afterwards?)

    "Lawrence Joseph forecasts widespread catastrophe in Apocalypse 2012: A Scientific Investigation Into Civilization's End. Spiritual healer Andrew Smith predicts a restoration of a "true balance between Divine Feminine and Masculine" in The Revolution of 2012: Vol. 1, The Preparation. In 2012, Daniel Pinchbeck anticipates a "change in the nature of consciousness," assisted by indigenous insights and psychedelic drug use."

    What so others say?

    "For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle," says Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies in Crystal River, Fla. To render Dec. 21, 2012, as a doomsday or moment of cosmic shifting, she says, is "a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in."

    As for disasters, a review of the last 40 years has these books and events predicting disaster:

    1968 "Population Bomb". Too many people in the 1980s and starvation.

    "Famine 1975" In that year we run out of food

    "Greening of America" We all become hippies eating un-homogenized peanut butter.

    "Future Shock" We'll have too many choices. (The concept of multi-tasking wasn't known)

    the 1970s had a concern of a "new ice age" we should increase the greenhouse effect

    "Jupiter Effect" the planets will line up and the earth will do something.

    "Y2K" Points given for those that can explain "why" it was a concern.

    Millennium Supposedly it was to be the end of the world. The question was"Is it 2000 or 2001?"

    If you get the impression, there's a lot of disaster predictions and they sell books, you're right.

    During the 1800s there were a number of movements that predicted the end of the world. People gave away everything they owned and gathered to await the end. A couple of days later, they started trying to get their stuff back.

  6. There is a serious answer to this. It involves what happened to them when the Conquistadores invaded.

    It revolves around their interpretation of the impact of astronomical events on their society.

    They were commanded by their priesthood to attack the Conquistadores, but not to hurt them. This was because their astronomical observations "told" them that their society was due to end in favour of a new set of rulers.

    2012, in Mayan terms is not necessarily apocalyptic, but it foretells a significant change in the status quo.

    FYI many indigenous Central Americans still consider themselves MAyan and actually follow (discretely) the old beliefs!

  7. Because its not going to happen.

  8. We're not Mayan.

  9. If your kidding that's fine

    But if not we should be preparing bomb shelter!!!

  10. I was going by terminator dates and nothing happened so im off the idea of the apocalypse now...


  11. I am not preparing because it may not happen.

    No human being knows the future.

    It's all in God's hands.

  12. I don't know what an apocolipse is, but lets assume you meant 'apocalypse'. They didn't predict the 'apocalypse' on such certain terms. And besides, who says the end is going to be nasty, apart from Christians and Muslims? The end could be enlightment and ascension to an entirely more real, friendly and reassuring plain of consciousness. In other words, neither you, I nor anyone else knows what the future holds so just enjoy what there is now.

    I think you should read 'Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy', or watch the not so brilliant movie. There's a fantastic moment (one of many) at the start when human's find out their planet's getting destroyed. Made I laugh anyway...

  13. i think the majority of replies to your question kind of give you a clue dont you? good question, ive actually wondered that myself, after all ppl make a big fuss about the coming of 1999 didnt they?

  14. Same reason man is not taking any action to try and slow down global warming.  Likely they don't believe it will happen or they don't give a toss.  Sad.....

  15. They believed it was the end of this great cycle of time, and a period of massive change. Not the end of the world.

  16. Because too many people have predicted the end of the world and its become old news - what can you do about it anyway?

  17. If it is truly apocalyptic, like going through the center of the Milky Way, supermassive black hole or something, what the h**l can we do?

    This is funny.  Ancient Prophecies IV (Greystone) depicts the machines coming to get us, like the animals rose up against the Mayans during the last apocalypse......

    a. fax machine chokes Dad by faxing his tie

    b. Dad's computer monitor: The End Is Near!

    c. waffle iron burns daughter

    d. food processor cuts Mom's hands

    e. animal attack, too: cat scratches son

  18. Because it's bollocks. Nurrrrr.

  19. We cannot prepare ourselves against this, there is no defence.

    It will consume all. All you can do (should you believe this) is to pray and lead a god fearing and righteous life.

  20. Because we are not Mayans.

  21. So they prepared by disappearing into history?

  22. their calculations were so amazingly accurate and ahead for their time... but i say live life man.

  23. The Mayans did not predict the world's end,but a shift in world events as they knew them,we can only guess at what it could have been.Thanks to the conquistadors who destroyed so much knowledge we may never know what it was.Unless somethings happens of course,still we will not be able to say they are the ones to predict it.I personally disagree with the experts I think they knew lots and we have learned lots but we will not be told because they can not cause a panic of any kind,buying up goods,hoarding fuel,things of that nature.It is sheer arrogance of us to assume that we are the only civilization to have knowledge.Well just my opinion,I pro bally read wayyyyyyyyy to much.

  24. Because we are not "MAYAN".

    Do you feel one of them - then, please, get ready: the great moment is coming for you!

  25. Coz it wont happen??!?!  Why are we soooo worried about what a civilization said that never even lasted???  Where are they today?  Erh, nowhere...thats how good they were!

  26. Give us a break, Christmas is just finished and the sales are nearing the easter prices! Who has time to prepare anymore!!!!!!!!!   ......and did anyone tell my favoured baked bean supplier, no! they have beans that will last waaay beyond that according to the use by date.....maybe I can secure a job lot, anyone for bean party, my house, thru' December 2011.

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