
The Mayans, Toltecs, Aztecs, Otomi, Olmeca, Yaquis, Tarascos and Chichimeca are all Mexican Nationals?

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Are the Mapuche Argentinians?

Are the Tainos Cubans?

Are the Arawak Venezuelans?

The Pomo Californios?

& the Haida, Canadians?, as well ?




  1. Anyone who is of a blood line of Mexico can be a Mexican National but they still must register if they were born in another country because the blood and the homeland are accepted as one and the same and when they go to Mexico they are returning to the homeland.

    Now, I think the Californios were the Spanish descent of Mexican born nationals and they considered the indigenous people as part of that but I dont know if the invaders they were fighting considered them to be part of the Californios or not.

  2. If they still live in those countries, they are.  It isn't as if they're sitting about in those communities untouched by time.

  3. the aztecs are really the only ones that should be given the term mexican because their very name "mexicatl" means mexican.

  4. Most Maya live in Guatemala, not just Chiapas.  Some of the groups you list lived before Mexican no. But I see what you are getting at.  Most indigenous groups throughout the world don't consider themselves part of the nation that they live in.  There are lot of reasons for this, mainly due to the treatment most indigenous groups receive, racism, unequal access to resources, such as adequate medical care, social security, etc.  Do the Quebecois consider themselves Canadian? Not all of them....what about the Mohawk who live in Quebec? Are they Quebecers? Or Canadian? Most would say neither. And, some groups are pushing for autonomy or self-determination, so it would make sense that they believe in their own "nation".

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