
The McCann Case?

by Guest57511  |  earlier

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Did you know the Pj are going to let the secrecy be lifted on the evidence at the end of July /August.

Sorce Joana Morais blog.

Here we go again.

I wondered why all of a sudden,they were in the news again




  1. Here we go again!

  2. everone knows they did it.

  3. Yes, the secrecy can only last for a year by law but the PJ can apply to get it extended and they probably will.

  4. I wouldn't leave my mobile phone unattended in a hotel room never mind my 3 children with a combined age of 5 years old.

    Still can't get over the easy ride the McCann's have had in the media.

  5. Whether they did do it or not I doubt we'll ever know.

    But everyone knows what they did was a mistake!! They may have thought they took every precaution but to leave them alone in a strange place with the doors unlocked. is asking for trouble!!

  6. here we go again, lets mob the mcanns, i thought that the pj had released the evidence , even if if it was untrue. to all you "perfect people "who have NEVER EVER MADE A BAD  judgement. I'm sure your god is proud of you.

  7. 4 gods sake leave the people alone.....

  8. I see that the hardcore supporters are still going strong!  I for the life of me will never accept that under any circumstances should young children be left unattended!  It was not a "mistake" it was deliberate! and it was deliberately done time and time again on that holiday, and if whatever happened to Madeleine never happened, they'd probably have carried on doing the same for the rest of their holiday, and their next holiday and the holiday after!

  9. I've lost count of the number of times someone on here has put a link to that blog and said 'this or that is about to happen' and - you know what? - it never does.  

    They are trying to get on with their lives, why don't you do the same?

    EDIT - !!!

  10. I don`t think they are in the news, are they?

    Apart from the bit about them going on holiday ( not Portugal of course.)

    With all the flitting about they do I`d have thought they`d enjoy their home, but there you are.

    I also read Joana Morais blog & learn quite a bit.

    The last extension of the case will run out I believe 17th July.

    It seems doubtful that it will be extended further so yes the case will have to be made public.

    Thanks for still seeking justice for Madeleine, as am I.

  11. I will believe it when I see it.

  12. A little difficult to release evidence when you don't have any. The Portuguese police bungled the case from day 1 in so many ways it was almost unbelievable.and they seem to have done little since then in helping to find little Maddie It high time they released the McCanns and Robert Murat as suspects as its gone on too long for all of them .
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