
The McPhearson UFO case ...was this real wat happened to them ???

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The McPhearson UFO case ...was this real wat happened to them ???




  1. do u mean the video?

    No its fake, infact i believe it was a film of some kind which is available on DVD but someone edited it or something. Anyway its not a real video, obviously made up.

  2. I saw a video of it on Live Video, done like a news report.  (Was it actually on some news program?  I wouldn't be surprised, especially is it was Fox.)

    Where do they get these "experts" from?  Geez, is this first guy Cliff Claven from "Cheers", or what!!??  He said he analyzed the film.  The eye of the dead alien was sunken.  He said this was JUST like somebody TOLD him their eyes do when they die.  Holy B-jezus, how can anybody be so stupid as to buy this stuff?  Isn't this the video that had CREDITS at the end of the original, giving the names of the people who played the aliens?  yet look at it.  It makes it onto documentaries and news programs.  

    I should settle down,  This serves as one of the most important UFO/alien incidents in history.  People make a home movie in the style of Blair Witch.  They include credits at the end, naming the kids who dressed up as aliens.  Now millions of people think it is real.  That's significant.  It just goes to show how STUPID people can be when it comes to their pet beliefs, and how effing DISHONEST the media are when it comes to reporting such things.

    People love to scream and holler about how dishonest the US government is and how they constantly lie to us and engage in countless conspiracies.  You know, I trust the US government for information on things like UFOs and aliens and Apollo and 9-11 about a thousand times more than I trust ANY commercial source of information.

  3. I must say, wasn't it REALLY lucky that the Aliens were clever enough to have picked up the Camera, turn it on and look into the lens ?  

    But wait, they took the whole family away AND LEFT THE CAMERA BEHIND ???? ... no problem, we can for sure outwit any Aliens that are so THICK they leave behind filmed evidence of their visit (PS - I bet they left their flying saucer in a 'no park' zone as well ..)

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