
The Mental Part?

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Ok, I was doing the 200 in a meet, and i start of slow on curve so i started off in third place out of three girls. Then, on the straightaway, i started catching up and finally, i passed the girl in front of me. I got 2nd in my heat.

Next, i was anchor in the 4 by 2 (This is my first year running and i don't personally think i'm that fast, so i was really nervous). Again, i started out slow, and started picking it up in the last 100. But all of a sudden, this girl is behind me and i'm running for my life but she ends up passing me.

Automatically, i start slowing down, only to find that this other girl was right behind the girl who just passed me and she ends up beating me by point 3 seconds.Mind you, i'm in a relay that was in the lead until it was my turn so this is like the worst feeling EVER

Then at the last meet i did, i started out way too slow on the curve and they got too far in front of me so it was like i was jogging the rest of the race only i didnt mean to.





  1. The 200 is a tricky event. First of all, being nervous is not a bad thing, it just means you care, so don't let the butterflies get to you. Secondly, from what I've learned from the seniors on my team, what you want to do is go out fast (but not quite a full sprint) on the curve and lean inward, then on the straight away give it all you've got. The goal of any race is to have nothing left when you're done. If all else fails, you could just switch your focus to the 100. Good luck.

  2. Sprinting is fast. If you find yourself slowing down than try to go faster. Work on your form. Move your arm and your legs will follow. Mentally you have to tell yourself you can do it and make it to the finish line. There will always be some meets that don't turn out to good but just try hard and have fun.

  3. practice the 300m in practice and get really good at it

    it will solve the problems for stamina

    for speed adjusting just run 200m and the 150

    just like one of the answerers said try to lean a lil inward
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