
The Mets blew a 3 run lead, but this time in the last inning. Relief has always been a question. Omar to task?

by  |  earlier

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With Willie Randolph out of the way (like that was the problem all along) the Mets continually find a way to keep other teams in the game, with relief pitching. Tonights game against the Phillies spoke volumes about what has been a night mare for this team all along. Omar has not addressed this issue correctly in 3 years. It doesnt matter about Tatis, Church, Delgado, Beltran, Reyes+Reyes, Wright, Chavez, Etc...... If your bullpen keeps coughing up the runs. There has never been a relaxed breathing moment, even with the win streak they managed to eke out 3 wins during that time where the relief pretty much kept the bases juiced, and were fortunate to come out unscaved on those situation. How then can one feel comfortable with luck as opposed to LIGHT'S OUT PITCHING! The trade deadline looms for the Mets.... What i would call the Minaya witching hour. Will he get an unecessary bat, or will he come through on that cancerous relief pitching.... OMAR!.... THE FANS AND THE ORG ARE WATCHING!




  1. Send Johan out for the 9th Jerry. Or at LEAST use Smith for more than 1 batter! Smith has been a better pitcher for the Mets this season than Sanchez. Smith should be the closer. s***w "experience". Isn't what happened last night experience enough?

  2. Honestly with a 3 run league and your ace pitching with 1 innings left would you leave johan in?  If he had a shutout maybe you leave him in but hes given up 2 runs already including a homer.  He allowed 8 hits so he wasnt lights out johan he made it out of a few tight jams.  Only 4 strikeouts you don't leave him in on that situation especially with a 3 run lead.  You can't blame Manual for taking him out.  They are not gonna get any relief help and they will bring in a bat.

  3. Welcome to the Dbacks situation the past few months.  Granted our horrible offense (as of late) isn't helping any, but the pen blowing the seldom leads we do get left and right doesn't help any.  Which is why we signed The Bigger Unit AKA Jon Rauch.  You guys should go after George Sherrill of Baltimore or Brian Fuentes out of Colorado (I read the Rockies want way too much for him though).

  4. Johan didn't return because they wanted to pinch hit for him,if his spot in the batting order didn't come around he prolly would of pitched the 9th...The Mets are obviously gonna have to make trade for some relief pitcher before the trade deadline,maybe go after Fuentes.

  5. Why were two of these posted within 8 minutes of each other?

    Anyway, the Mets don't have that great of a bullpen but it's not horrible either. Up until this game Both Sanchez and Smith were doing well. Smith hasn't had a bad game since June. Sanchez had given up 1 ER since June 10th. With an average to slightly above average bullpen, you have to expect to lose a few games to it. They don't have Jorge Sosa or Armas there anymore.

    It depends on what price you have to pay for the relief pitching. If you give up a decent prospect for an Arthur Rhodes type, is it really worth it? I'm not sure you can trust Minaya to not give up something stupid for a relief pitcher.


       Have you ever thought about blaming the 9 guys that put on there uniforms every day? It cant always be the GM or the Managers fault.

      Reyes is having a good season at the plate but he idea to try and tag second with one of the fastest guys in MLB was just dumb with one of the slowest runners going to first. At that point they just needed outs.

       I was a littlle scared when they announced that Wagner was not available tonight and thought that we did not have a chance because when he pitches against us we always have a chance because he is a bum. He even blew the All-Star game that he should not have even been at with 7 blown saves at the time. No Met deserved to be there honestly.

       If I were a owner and i paid a guy as much as the mets are paying Johan he would pitch 9 innings every time out, especially if my closer was out.

       In closing the Phillies have the last two NL MVPs and possibly a third. Plus the best infield in all of  baseball today. A solid outfield including a lot of outfield assists and everyone always picks on Burrell but he has played over 110 games without an error and he always kills the Mets so they better re sign him.

    Where the Mets have an old first basemen a stupid shortstop an overrated third basemen a good centerfielder and no corner outfielders. Plus a third base coach who got there second fastest player thrown out at the plate not once but TWICE!!!!! They have reached the best they can do this year its over Phillies win second division in two years and remember we only led the division for 1 day but it was the only day that mattered. Lets go Phils and like Shea we can watch the Mets implode this year

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