I believe there is a great crisis going on in modern America. Without a doubt there are many liberals thinking its the republicans, and many republicans thinking its the democrats. But for people who think like that, YOU are the problem. Hyper-partisan politics is tearing this country apart. Dont point fingers towards liberals or republicans, and here's why
EVEN assuming all people were equally educated about politics, there would still be a considerable number of ideologically democratic people, and ideologically republican people. We shouldnt try to change this. Changing this would be mean changing one's very core values. Because that is what in the end, determines whether one is conservative or liberal. So lets take some advice from A. Hamilton on how to control faction. We can either remove the cause or control the effect. Removing the cause would be just wrong. We shouldnt try to force our way of thinking as the "correct way". Instead, we should comprimise. America was built on compromises, the COnstitution for example has been described as a "bundle of compromises." What the United States needs now is for Americans to call on their elected officials now. Act as a nation, and show how we are against this partisan politics. Only by compromising what we want by looking in the perspective of others can our country move forward. No matter how messed up you think a view is, respect it if there are many people who truely believe in it. We need a strong leader, who will push REAL change in Washington. Not just change from Bush to OBama, republican to democrat, democrat to republican, but from Hyper partisan politics of corruption and power to what america was really meant to be: a government of the people. discuss.