
The Moon is Red. What does this mean?

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I just noticed it, does anyone know what it signifies and why it happens?




  1. Pollution in the atmosphere. Also if there is a big storm in the Sahara that kicks up a lot of sand it can happen too. Oh yeah! Lunar eclipses too although I'm not aware there is one.

  2. The Earth has eclipsed the moon and this makes the moon look red, When we see the full moon the Sun is shining from the other side of the Earth on it but some times the Earth gets in between the Sun and the Moon, this is when the Earth eclipses the Moon. The other reason for this is the moon may have turned Communist

  3. you've had enough to drink tonight

  4. its your luckky day!((:

  5. the end of the world is nigh

  6. Pollution  

  7. For the most part, red moon light has been filtered through the earth's dusty atmosphere (it does not need to be polluted to be dusty). So it is only seen when the moon is near the horizon, rising or setting. The "red sky at night" thing has been around for a long time and is even in the bible.

    If you watch, it becomes white as it goes higher in the sky.

  8. From what I heard it's just the pollution in the sky which gives the moon it's red color. If you take a normal white light bulb and put a clear colored sheet over it (any color red, blue etc.) in front of it and face that direction the light bulb looks like that color. Except the sheet of color is the pollution and behind it is the moon.

  9. During a lunar eclipse, the Moon can turn various shades of red, orange, brown, or yellow.

    You can credit Earth's atmosphere with providing an orangish color to the moon during an eclipse. The atmosphere acts like a filtered lens. It bends red sunlight into our planet's shadow and scatters out blue light. It's the same reason why sunrises and sunsets appear reddish. If Earth were an airless planet, its shadow would be pitch black and the eclipsed moon would be invisible.

    If you were an astronaut standing on the moon during totality, you would see Earth eclipsing the sun. Earth would appear as a dark disk surrounded by a brilliant red ring-our atmosphere glowing with the light of all the planet's sunsets and sunrises. It's this light that we see bathing the moon during totality

  10. This effect is caused by the atmosphere of the earth. The reason for the orange color is due to the scattering of light by the atmosphere. When the moon is near the horizon, the moonlight must pass through much more atmosphere than when the moon is directly overhead. By the time the moonlight reaches your eyes, the blue, green, and purple pieces of visible light have been scattered away by air molecules. That's why you only see yellow, orange, or red.

    The moon can have an orange color at any time of the year. Sometimes the moon appears orange even when it's directly overhead. This occurs when there's a lot of dust, smoke, or pollution in the atmosphere. The size of those particles will determine the type of color you will see.

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