
The Most Evil Animal to have Graced the Land.?

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My heart pumps rapidly and repeatedly hoping

To do my duty, or rather, my countrys' duty of

Travelling far to everlasting glory for the ultimate

Price of freedom at the cost of my life and the cost

Of unequaled sufferings of my family I will leave

Behind. No matter. The money will provide ease

To their sufferings, and I will not care anyway, for

Being dead is like never to have been born.

For I am man. I live for nothing except to fight my

Fellow man in truth or lies. Whatever the case,

It is worth it to see the battle pitting your life against

My enemies. My last thoughts will not be of my

Dear family and siblings. My last thoughts will be

"I hope we win."

Of all the creatures that walked the earth over millions

Of years, we are the cruelest, most destructive, and heartless

Souls ready to wreak havoc on anyone, anyone, anything.

My sinister grin will confirm the fact the these women and

Children deserved what they got, because I know for a fact they

were behind this last roadside bomb. So now it's time for an airstrike to kill them so that I may conserve my ammunition. It sure is fun.

Then I thought of life after the war. What will I do? I have no education, I have no skills, and what destiny will arrive to set me straight, or tear me apart. As wisdom comes with age, I worry to believe that I will regret my instincts honed by those killers before me.

Now I'm scared. Now I am worrying. It is not yet finished, and this cursed guilt is building. For I know when I leave, I will be a nobody. This guilt will take over my soul. It is too late to ask the dead for forgiveness. I will turn to God. That will help. I will turn to medicine, that will help. No, it won't help. Nothing will. What is done is done. What is etched in my mind will remain, forever. With age it will only get worse until I choose the implements of battle on myself.




  1. Are you talking about squirrels? Cause squirrels are EVIL!!! They are just planning one day to attack. I swear to God they are.

    They all laugh at me for saying this, but trust me. One day you will see. You will say (with you last breath), ol' Russ was right. It was the squirrels. They are takin ... (and you can't finish the thought because you were just killed by a squirrel).

    Sorry, but I told you so.

  2. Your stanzas are non-existant. It's more like a short story then a poem the way you've written it.

  3. what?

  4. .................  What?

  5. well either my X wife or the ememy?

  6. Parasites!

  7. What's really funny is that my hubby and I are watching "Soldier" with Kurt Russel right now.

  8. im  sorry  but  the  only  thing  that  comes  to  mind  as  evil  is  obama  and  his  associates

  9. ..

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