
The Munsters' House?

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"The Munsters" was a TV program that I enjoyed in my youth. Now, years later, my hobby is building scale models of houses for my HO model railroad. A friend tells me that am HO-scale model of the Munsters' house is avilable, but I have searched the 'net and I can't find it. Do any Yahooers out there know of it and who makes/made it? Thanks!




  1. Hi:

    Check the following websites : the Munster mansion - for  pictures of it - history of the munster house - a model of the Palor of the munsters home with Lilly ,Herman, Eddie and Grandpa. - get the halloween village of it  - I think you might like this

  2. Polar Lights put out both the Munsters living room and the Addams Family House, however no house was ever built as the original company Auroia went out of buiness before they made it. The living room kit is the one you must have heard of however it it not HO it is more like 75mm. The Addams home is like 1/35 scale but could be panographed down to 1/72 real easy. I have been working models for 40 years and these are the only ones I have ever seen. Others have been heard of but never seen. Lunar models may have made a kit but are not real good or availiable. Check on-line auctions for the kits if you want them.
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