
The Mystery Package has been out of foreign custom on June 23rd! Is that a good sign?

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Any advise would be appreciative. This mail was sent on June 11th to Mumbai, Maharahstra. Got to India custom on June 14th. Out of foreign custom on June 23rd. Is this a good sign? what should I do next. Should the reciepient got to local post office? how long more before it get's there? can it get lost at this point? Pleeeeeeese advise. Thanks Much




  1. A mystery package? If you are not expecting a package, you should first ask yourself as to why a sender should oblige you with one. If the package is expected and you are familiar with the sender and his/her whereabouts, you should get in touch with the Customs Department and ask them as to how to get your package.

    Now, the important thing and also a very basic point to note is that Customs Duty is leviable on an import and the rate of duty depends on the nature of the commodity imported. Without knowing the exact nature of the contents of your 'Mystery Package', how will you determine the amount of Customs Duty payable?

    Finally, if not explicitly stated that the import does not attract Customs Duty and that it will come to you through post, you normally have to get your package from the Customs Department itself. Since, such packages are normally despatched by registered air mail, the chances of their getting lost in transit are thin. Whatever the case, do make a thorough enquiry with the Customs Department before claiming your package or enquiring at your local post office.

  2. Well it is definetly a good sign.  Wait a couple of days.

    If they still have not recd it then check ebay or the local Customs Flea Market in Mumbai.


  3. wait, it will be delivered to your adress in due course.

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