
The NFL sucks! all they talked about is farve

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right now all the buzz is around favre. they made it into a big stupid deal

it was more the green bay packers and favre

it dont matter but it sucked glad its done they better stop talkin about that

they should start talkin about football now

and get back how it was





  1. Ohhhh... If you think this is over, you have got another thing coming. I agree with you, i'm sick of it too, but this isn't over yet.

  2. well i really think you are just jealous because there's never been a cowboy to play 18 years of football and made this big of an impact on the NFL like favre has. The only cowboy to play 18 years in the nfl was vinny testeverde and well we all know how that one ended. And by the way romo will choke this year and Washington will win the nfc east.

  3. Replace the letters NFL with the letters ESPN and your complaint becomes valid.  I've been waiting for "ESPNFavre" to show up as an official channel in my cable line up.  I'm still not sure it won't.

  4. I am a Cowboys fan, too, but the NFL doesn't suck because of the Favre saga. It's the media's fault, nobody else's.

    Now that Favre is a Jet, the story can now shift to watching him in camp every night. I know this is getting a bit tired, but soon enough the season will start and there will be plenty of other matters to talk about.

    Go Cowboys!!

  5. Wait till the season starts in a month. This will be old news. The NFL does not suck. It is the greatest sport in the world. I agree this Favre stuff is overboard. Its all we been hearing about lately. I do not think the jets will be a contender maybe they will improve.  

  6. Its probably because at this time Brett Favre is an interesting subject. It will all die down soon.


  7. I was just going to post the same message!

    I am SO sick of Brett Favre.. Thats the problem with sports media, they over analyze everything before it even happens. I didnt care about it 2 weeks ago and I dont care about it now..

    Its not really a big deal..Guy retires, wants to come back, etc, etc,,Seen that movie before (Clemens, Seau)

    Was hoping to watch the 1975 playoff game between the Vikings and Cowboys on the NFL Network but it was all Favre news, a bio on Favre, more news, the Jets thing.

    You would think that the NFL is made up of 2 teams and 1 player!

  8. Whats the big deal? The guys resume was the same as Trent Dilfer's, Brad Johnson's and Doug Williams. 1 Superbowl, and if Micheal Irvin and Eric Williams wouldnt have been stupid and caught in Drug/Hooker scandals in '96..... who knows if Favre would have even won that one Superbowl in 1996 season?

  9. yeah, until TO starts complaining til cause he doesnt get the ball enough, Romo falls in love w/ another blonde girl who cant act and loses focus and Adam "the cornerback formerly known as Pacman" Jones decides to "make it rain" and ends up in trouble w/ the law...again

  10. Yeah, almost four weeks of Farve was way too much. Not even the Manny Ramirez buzz could overcome that guy. I went from respecting the quarterback to actually being sick of him. I just hope ESPN, Sportcenter, Around the Horn, Pardon the Interruption, and all the other talk shows don't talk about him for another four weeks. If they do, I'm writing a suicide note and sending it to Brett Farve himself saying it was his fault.

  11. This is b4 preseason and brett farve is a legend from my home town of hattisbourg, MS!!! But any way, when the season really starts it will get back 2 normal like usual. GO SAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  12. Howdy partner, hey hey hey sorry that your overrated supa star romo can only make the front page riding a celebs coat tails, and as far as the cowboys (gowgirls) going all the way HAHAHAHAHAHA

    yeah all the way to last place and im out ya doofy J-A

  13. Oh I see how it is. Youre a cowboys fan who's mad because theyre not centering their attention around Tony Romo and his sad legacy of lost playoff games.

    It's just another story. It'll blow over eventually. What are you going to do about it anyway?

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