
The NUMBER 11.....?

by Guest44608  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike i always see on my clock coincidently a lot 11:11 or 1:11...its soooo weird...also like 12:34 or 3:33 but almost every other day i see the 11:11 or 1:11...i have 11 letters in my first and last mystery man [ who is a celebrity in my culture,whos concert i recently went to] I believe we will be together [this weird feeling...maybe because i love him so much..i feel this connection when hes singing] has 11 letters in his name too! i played this game called flame where you put your first and last name of yourself and your crush and cross out the letters you have in common...the left over numbers you have you count and do something with them [to hard to explain]...but the number of left over number from our names was 11! all this has been happening in the last 2 years or so...does this mean anything?




  1. Truthfully I think its all kind of just superstition. But what iv heard is at 11:11 is when the supernatural world is the closest to the human ( or something like that ). This is why people will say prayers or make wishes at 11:11. Honestly, I wouldn't get to caught up in the hype. If you look at it from a scientific point of view, you could also have the same effect by choosing any other time or numbers in any other order, and see it as frequently as you wished also. Like the placebo effect, if you want it to be something, it will be. Best of luck.

  2. No. 1 is ruled by Sun.

    No. 11 is ruled by Sun-Sun i.e. two Suns.

    so you are hardworker. You have good patient also.

    11 = 1 + 1 = 2 as per Numerology.

    2 is ruled by Moon.

    which indicates to you sufficient relax.

    Though you are busy with your own avocations, surprisingly, you will get relax in the midst of several jobs.

  3. It might but I don't know for sure or what it is.

  4. I see the no. 11 all the time too. For me it means that I am meant to be at that particular place and that particular time. For e.g.: if I go for a job interview and it happens to be on the 11th floor, room 11 or me it will mean that that experience was meant to happen. Now it doesn't necessarily mean I will get the job...whether I do or don't has nothing to do with it...but simply...I was meant to be there. Perhaps I was meant to be there to meet an important professional, or someone who will be significant in the future. Now, you and your singer doesn't necessarily mean you'll marry him...simply because the 11 is present.....but knowing him at this point in your life is very important. Perhaps he has things to teach you...things you will use all your life....just look at it as a life lesson.

  5. It happens to me too!I also try to find the time on the dvd player,when a movie is playing 1:23:45

    Also,I just looked at the clock here ont he computer [even though it's wrong] and it said 1:23.Don't worry it happens to me all the time and I'm excited about it over and over again that I always text message my friends abou it or right to them about it while we're talking.

    Anyways it's just fun.

  6. i'm sure many fans feel the same way as you do about this man, but its very unlikely to actually happen. i've learned that from experience. lol <3

    as far as 11:11, my boyfriend and i really started noticing and getting interested at about the same time. we did a lot of research on it.

    "You will note that seeing 11:11 frequently creates synchronicities in your life."

    a lot of times when i see it, i try to pause what i'm doing and sort of meditate, or at least ponder. i pay attention to whats going on and what i'm thinking and feeling at that moment.

    its really best to go through and read some of the links i posted and kinda see what you feel is right.
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