
The Name "Salmata"??????

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What is the nationality of the name?

And what does it mean? if it has any meaning...




  1. Salmata exists both as a family and a given name. In both case there is a little diffusion and a great variety of possible etymologies: in order to give you a more reliable reply it will be necessary to have a little more data , such as ethnic background or given/family name of the "Salmata". If it is a given name they will mainly remain hypothesis.

    I will give you the most common findings for both:

    As a family name:

    Diffused as Sarmata, Salmata, Sarmati and present in most of East Europe with some clusters in Moldavia, Ukraine, Hungaria and Romania,  and in Baltic states defines descendants of the Sarmatians, an ancient central Asian population (probably Sogdians or Scythians ) migrated to a wide East European area and constituting a nucleus of the proto-slavic populations  of Russia.

    Area inhabited by Sarmatians was included between the  Vistola to the mouth of Danube rivers (north to south) and east up to the Volga.

    Name probably derived from the ancient Iranian "Sarumatha", archer,or the Hittite "Salmata" meaning friends (link with Arabic SLM salaam, see next hypothesis)

    The legend about Amazons, wants they were rulers of Sarmatians

    As a given name :

    Most probably has Arab / Semitic origins. Origins in the triliteral  sign word SLM , Sim Lam Mim (from it originates words as salaam and shalom), it is one of the possible female forms for the male name  Salamat, Selim, Suleiman, Salman (Hebrew Solomon, Shlomo, Salma), with the meaning of Safe, intact.

    It is not very diffused as name (in this version) in the Arabic world (some presence in Syria and Pakistan) but it is a common given name in Central and West Africa (a minister of Burkina Faso is called like this, many women in Nigeria), mainly in countries that had a strong Islamic influence

    In many Philipino languages  (i.e. Tagalog) "salamat" is the world for thank you (as a derivation of the  S L M  Salaam , left by Arabic travellers)

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