
The Natalee Holloway?

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case is juss a conspiracy of the United States and the Netherlands teaming up for a possible future invasion of Venezula????





  2. No, I don't think there was or is any conspiracy between the U.S. and the Dutch to invade Venezuela.

    However, Hugo Chavez has made numerous public statements about the “reunification” of the Islands of the Dutch West Indies (Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao) with Venezuela. Adding to that there is the ancient claim on most of neighboring Guyana, some disputed Columbian territorial waters, and very flimsy claims on Caribbean islands like Trinidad and Tobago, which are members of the British Commonwealth.

    Venezuela continues to violate Dutch air space and territorial waters. Including military over flights of the islands. Venezuelan authorities have urged residents of the islands to form Bolivarian cells in support of eventual reunification with Venezuela.

    The Netherlands has responded by reinforcing their military in the area. The Dutch Government has also taken up the matter with the European Union, Britain, and France.

    Chavez is a complete authoritarian dictator. He is using the red herring of an American threat of invasion to eliminate internal dissent (i.e democratic opposition). He has concentrated executive and legislative power into his own hands. He has with the surge in oil revenues embarked on a massive military build up (6 Billion dollars worth of Russian weapons) again implying the imminent threat of invasion instead of alleviating poverty (like he promised).

    Just like every other left-wing revolutionary he has achieved power spouting ideals of equality only to turn into something worse than what he replaced. I have no doubt that it will all blow up in his face when the price of oil drops, and the people realize that he isn't going to deliver what he promised. Then in a last attempt to hold onto power he's going to do something very stupid.

    Then he'll get his US "invasion". Though by that time I think the people of Venezuela will be happy to see him go.
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