
The Neutrogena Wave Has Made Me Break Out?

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Ive Been using it for week now and I've gottin little pimples on my face...also i have what it looks like sun burn and it does burns am i using it wrong or is something wrong.....and i don't have a doctor to go to so someone give me advice....





    i thought i was the only one.

    It made me break out on my cheeks.

    they are little bumps and are annoying >:o

    so right now im usign the clean and clear acne treatment..

    and its so far so good.  

  2. It sounds like you've taken a reaction to this. I would stop using this product and use a new one straight away. You won't need to go to the doctors unless you have these burns/pimples anywhere else on your body as that could be totally unrelated to the Neutrogena wave.

    Use a cleanser with as much natural ingredients as you can find or use a cleanser for sensitive skin as this might be your primary problem.

    Leah x

  3. Well I got the neutrogena wave about a week ago. And its cleaning my skin more than i expected. Maybe your using it too long. I use it for about a min. And mabye your pressing down to hard. Here is what i do every morning and night with it. I reuse the pad so i wont waste if i dont use all of the soap. So i flip it over lie it down on the side of the sink. And i put on warm water and rub that on my face they say it opens pours. Next i used some of that and add a little bit to the pad then i turn it on and make little circles around my face for about a minute. Try that maybe your doing something wrong and you dont know it. I also say if you do what i do for about another week and you still got that burn go see a doctor.

    - Hope i helped.

  4. that happened to me and 2 of my friends. we stop using it and moved to clean and clear and so far it works wonders for all of us.

  5. I HATE the wave. In the commercial they act like it's all foamy and soapy. Mine never does. I usually put my regular face wash on it.

  6. Sometimes when you try a new product it actually makes your break out before you start to clear up because it is bringing all the impurities to the top...

    I would suggest that you can continue to use it for another week and if you continue to have these little pimples to try something else...

    I personally use the Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash, and it works really well for me...


  8. The effect of this product clearly suggests this product is not suited for you skin. I suggest you stop using this product immediately. Apply vaseline or aloe vera gel to get rid of the burn marks (if any) or to soothe the skin. Visit a dermatologist to find out that happened & whether you need to continue using this product or not.

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