
The New European Constitution?

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The New European Constitiion document is only published in french. Came to light today thats its 96% the same document as the French, Dutch and Denmark all voted against. MPs are demanding a referendum but the British press is not printing this. Wake up people were being railroaded into a new soviet union style dictatorship. Not really a question frustrating piece of fact people need to be aware of




  1. Thats not true.  The Intergovernmental Conference has yet to be convened, the new Reform Treaty text has to be passed not only by the heads of government for each country but also by legal experts to ensure there are no loopholes or c**k-ups and then by the heads of government before it goes for ratification.  It a long way off from a final draft to be published.

    Also only France and the Netherlands rejected it the Danes didn't get a chance to vote on it.

    So you need to get your fact straight.

  2. If the Brits fall to France, even if through political games, I'm going to be VERY disappointed!

    Your American Cousin.

  3. I don't understand why the Brits are so apathetic about this. We have been lied to deceived and betrayed by our successive governments but none more so than new labour.  Gordon Brown says he is going to be more in touch with the British  public  Well, let him put his money where his mouth is and give us a referendum. Despite the apathy there are enough of us who care what happens here!

  4. 100% right! It is no exaggeration to say that the EU poses the greatest ever threat to democracy, and to our independence, freedom and privacy. The fight against the EU is urgent. We don’t have much time left. If we don’t do anything to stop it then we have effectively lost the Second World War. Remember that Hitler and Goering invented the idea of the United States of Europe.

    Joining the euro is probably the last step in abandoning our national identity. I’m not exaggerating when I say that this is the most important war that we have ever fought in this country. Our Government have lied,and will continue to do so,the EU have lied and will continue to do so.By 2009, it will be too late...

    We HAVE to do something,I shall be joining the pro-referendum rally to take place in London! We must have a vote on this Constitution!

  5. The European Constitution will not push through because there are national differences in the countries belonging to EU.  Cooperation is good only for trade and not on any other aspects of the society.

  6. Questions regarding the EU constitution and Britain's role in the EU have been put to a vote at

  7. We are going to have a hard fight to stop these d!cks forcing this euro rubbish on us. Hope their silly currency collapses first!

  8. Why not begin with why was it a "no"'s winning?

  9. Write, e mail, phone harass your local MP. Blair sold us out to get this new job, and Browns gone along with it.

  10. We here in Ireland have to have a referendum on this "New European Constitution"

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