
The New Yahoo that will replace 360?

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when is the new yahoo comming that will replace the yahoo 360 and has anyone seen a preview of it yet? If it is like mash would you stay with them?




  1. Y!360 is transitioning into a different social networking platform in early 2008. There has not been a more specific date announced on the blog yet, so it could happen any time between January and end of March 2008. Yahoo is trying to centralize its profiling services - Y!Mash, Y!360, and the regular Members profile - into one. See for more details. They have not made a preview of the service public, as they have not updated the blog since Oct. 24, 2007.

    However, they are no longer fixing bugs related to Y!360, so there's no point in trying to contact them about it.

    If it's like Mash, I don't know. I mean, I already have a Mash page, but I'm not crazy about it. Especially since it doesn't have a stable, built-in blogging feature. I'm sticking around though to at least see what the new service will be.

  2. No Mash is not the replacement and yahoo has said nothing about that. If mash was the replacement, yahoo would have said so long before now.  All they said was that the new site would be ready in early 08. Meanwhile people are leaving 360 by the droves because yahole is too stupid to figure out whats going on. I will stay if  me and my friends on here like the new format.

  3. The new social network is not for us to know, l do not think anyone knows for sure. Except Yahoo.

    There are some talk that it will be just like 360 and a little of Mash together

    There are not screen shot on the new network yet.

    l will need to really see the new network to answer the question about if l will stay, If it is like mash completely, l really can not say. But Mash would be ok if it has a BLog that people can comment on.

    Guess l am like most people now, we are excited about the new network. And we are hoping it will be like 360. And l feel that l am going to like it

    Mash is not the new social network

    This will tell you

  4. Mash is the replacement. There is no date set yet.


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