
The New Yorker... are they nuts?!?

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Barack wearing a turban and robe, Michelle wear fatigues and an AK-47?!?!

.... I'm speechless. I mean, ... wtf??




  1. It's so funny.Were all glad you're speechless.You don't even what the cover cartoon means.

  2. Yeah, I heard about that.

    I guess Obama was a wee bit pissed. I don't know really what to say about it, though. Their defense was it wasn't supposed to be in a bad, tasteless manner. But, if you really look at it, and see the flag burning in the fire place... I think it was ment to be in an offensive matter.

  3. It was satire.

  4. I know! how racial has this country become? I mean come on! Michelle has an 'Afro' and American flag is in the fireplace (Calling Muslims Terrorists) and Obama is wearing the traditional Islamic clothes (again,calling him a Muslim). all of this is misleading and outrageous!

  5. Oh my gosh.. whatever happened to Free speech people.

    A lot of 'issues' have come up with Obama's heritage, and he's weathered them.

    If you're going to enter the candidacy for the President, expect no less.

    McCain will be next.  And the "New Yorker" is just doing what it does best.  Trying to 'shock you'.  Relax.

  6. If they were Danes riots would break out in Pakistan!

  7. I haven't seen it yet, but I have heard about it. I think it's ridiculous, but not in a bad way. It's satire. It's supposed to be ridiculous.

  8. Sometimes The New Yorker is so cutting-edge it nicks itself.

  9. I thought it was fantastic!

    Obama needs to get used to it - it IS coming!

  10. I think in the end, it will hurt Obama.

  11. The New Yorker got the facial expressions spot on. Loved it.

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