
The New xbox 360 dashboard??

by  |  earlier

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will games on the "prime time" catergory in the dashboard cost money to play or is it for everyone free? and netflix, will it cost points to watch your netflix videos? and what about avatars, theres word that when you unlock an achievement you get new clothes, Do you still get the gamerpoints when you get new clothes or do the gamer points go away when you get new clothes?




  1. 1 i wouldnt be sirprized if the primetime cost monye but there be free at the begining to get people hooked

    netfilx u must be a member at netflix it cost like 5 bucks month and for this all u do is go on therewbite u  click the movie you want to streemands matter mins boom

    iam sure there gonna be cloths cost money but some be free

    why would u get your gamepoints for unlocking a achivement?there still be 1000 points in each one  so dose it matter  

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