
The Obama camp is criticizing Sarah Palin for "lack of experience". Why?

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She has more experience than Obama himself does. I looked her up on Wikipedia, and am very impressed with her.




  1. hmm i think its because shes only been a mayor and governor of alaska. but i think if Palin were more liberal, obama shoudl have picked her for the optimal "taking a chance on change" ticket

  2. Because Obama blew it. John McCain has brought to life his base and will be the next president of the United States. I was not going to vote for McCain but with this choice McCain proves he respects those who disagree with him and is willing to listen.

    McCain impressed me and Im in shock that I am going to support John McCain

  3. I agree, as this is an undeniable truth. Obama has no leadership experience whatsoever in an executive position in government. Obama has made no notable political accomplishments within the US Congress or even the Illinois legislature.

    I find it funny how liberals are all for the advancement of women and minorities, but as soon as a woman obtains power and popularity, they stop at nothing to cut her down. They did it to condi Rice. They did it to Hillary Clinton.

  4. *LOL*  I love it.... She has more experience in an "executive branch" job than Obama and Biden put together!   Obama has spent 140 days on the floor of congress in the last 4 years... he's spent the remainder campaigning to be president...  Opening this subject up for discussion would be HUGE mistake on his part!

  5. They opened their mouth without thinking first, it seems to be a typical problem for the Obama camp.

  6. I know, they claim she doesn't have enough experience to be vice president.  well, if she doesn't have the experience to be VP, he sure doesn't have the experience to be commander in chief.

    She has spent almost two years runng the state of Alaska.  Obama has spent most of his time in the US Senate campaigning for President.

  7. Because she lacks experience.  I mean, she really, really lacks experience.  Do you believe that, after searching high and low, he decided that she was the most qualified candidate?

  8. You do realize that Wikipedia can be changed by anybody, right?  Some right-wing lunatic serial rapist could have changed it for all we know.  Don't get answers from there.

  9. What part were you impressed with, the beauty pageant part or the fisherman part?

    Or did you like how she was being investigated by the Alaskan house?

    Perhaps you liked her experience with having 5 children and a great Moose hunter.

    Sure, these are all the things I like to see as presidential experience!

  10. Interestingly enough, it was the wikipedia source that caused me to have severe misgivings about her choice.  First off, I consider the level of expertise to run a city the size of Wasilla, AK, population of say 7500, or so.  Most small business owners have similar demands and I mean small, probably 20 employees or less.  The state of Alaska, sounds impressive, doesn't it.  Until you consider the fact that with 700,000 people in the entire state, you realize that virtually all ceo's of major corporations, the vast majority of states, many non-profits, and several public agencies all have budgets and employees well in excess of Alaska's and barely any have a guaranteed funding arrangement with big oil.  If you're impressed with her, you'll love the guy she's running with - he voted fot Bush's agenda 90% of the time.

  11. Because their idiots. That is really not a card they want to play. Sarah will mop the floor with Junior. And he will be looking like a fool. So they better keep their big mouths shut.

  12. Oh come on...What kind of VP would she make?  I looked her up on Wikipedia too, and do you realize that she has NEVER shot a hunting buddy in the face?  Is that the kind of VP Republicans will vote for?  Oh well, she still has a chance to redeem herself.  Hunting season is right around the corner in the lower 48.

  13. Sarah Palin served as a city council member in Wasilla Alaska from 1992-1996. She served as the mayor of the city of Wasilla from 1996-1999. She was elected to her first term of Governor of the state of Alaska in 1996. As such, she has only served 2 years (1/2) of her first term as Governor. She holds a BA in Journalism from the University of Idaho.

    Barack Obama is a graduate of Harvard Law School. Prior to entering Harvard, he served as Director of the Developing Communities Project from 1985-1988. He entered Harvard Law in 1988.  While at Harvard he served as President of the Harvard Law Review. He taught Constitutional Law from 1992-2004 at the University of Chicago Law School.  He served in the Illinois Senate from 1997--2004. He was elected to the United States Senate in 2004 where he has served the last 4 years.

    Sorry, but I'm going say that 4 years in the US Senate beats 2 years as a state governor.

    Harvard Law Grad (that means a 4 year degree + 3 years of law school), President of Law Review, Professor of Constitutional Law beats BA in Journalism.

    7 years as a State Senator is going to beat 4 years as a member of city council and 3 years as the mayor of a town.

    As far as the "Executive Experience" goes-- according to the web site for Wasilla, Alaska - in 2003 their population was 6715 ....

    .....(yes, six thousand seven hundred fifteen.......but know........the population of Lizard l**k, NC is only about 1500. So,  ........she's got that going for her.  She can honestly say ....she was mayor of a town that is 6 times as big as Lizard l**k, NC.  )

    While Alaska may be the largest state land wise-- according to the 2006 census - it's population was 670,053 (six hundred seventy thousand fifty-three).

    By comparison - Rhode Island -- (the smallest state land wise) had a population of 1,067,610 (One million sixty-seven thousand six hundred and ten) in 2006.

    The population of Deleware in 2006: 853,676 (eight hundred fifty-three thousand six hundred seventy six).

    Population of South Carolina: 4,321,249 (four million three hundred twenty-one thousand two hundred forty-nine).

    Population of California: 36,457,549 (thirty-six million, four hundred fifty-seven thousand five hundred forty nine)

    Population of Idaho: 1,466,465 (one million four hundred sixty-six thousand four hundred sixty five)

    When it comes to the experience question between Barack and Sarah, I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you.  In my humble opinion, Barack has got her beat.

    As far as why are the Dems making Sarah's experience an issue?  Because MCCAIN RAISED THE ISSUE OF EXPERIENCE BEFORE HE EVER SELECTED HIS VP!

    He's the one running ads questioning Baracks experience.

    If McCain gets elected - he will be 72 years old. His health problems have been in the news the last year. If he drops dead, strokes out - or for any other reason is unable to complete his term -- a 2 year governor of a state with a population of 670,053 will be in charge of running a country with the population of 281,421,906 (as of 2000).

    Now, who would you rather have run that country? A 4 year degree in journalism  or a Harvard law graduate with 12 years experience teaching Constitutional Law (as in laws based on the US Constitution).

    I'll take the guy with the best experience and the expertise in Constitutional law. (after all, that pesky constitution is what this country was founded on).

  14. Don't believe everything you read on Wikipedia

  15. politics as usual.

    Palin's "...articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking..."

    AND NOT a Lawyer!

  16. Of course you're impressed with her!

    She logged on to Wikipedia at 4am yesterday morning and removed all the negative things about herself before anyone knew she was going to be McCain's running mate.

    Right outa the shoot and she's already hiding things from us.

    Way to go, Sarah!  

  17. She's an excellent choice, and yes, she does have more experience than Obama, and many more accomplishments.  She is truly FOR the people.  

  18. First of all..she's not anywhere near as qualified as Obama...

    Obama has been a state senator for 8 years. And a US Senator for 4.

    Obama held assignments on the Senate Committees for Foreign Relations, Environment and Public Works and Veterans' Affairs through December 2006. In January 2007, he left the Environment and Public Works committee and took additional assignments with Health, Education, Labor and Pensions and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. He also became Chairman of the Senate's subcommittee on European Affairs.

    This person has ZERO experience in foreign policy, and she's only been a governor for 20 months !

    We're supposed to be inspired that he picked a woman, but he picked a woman with short credentials, is accused of ethics violations, and has no relevant education at all.

    If something happens to McCain, is she going to run this country ?

    She's going to be in charge of finishing god knows whatever war McCain starts ?

    this is insanity period.

  19. She was a mayor and has served for two years as Governor.  How do you figure she has more experience than Senator Obama? You have no idea what you're talking about. This is a woman who would ban abortions even in the case of rape or incest. She brought back bounties on wolves offering $150 per carcass. She is currently being investigated on ethics violations. No wonder America is in such bad shape!

    McCain is loving this!  It doesn't matter that she does lack experience, it's watching his supporters acting like they really know what they're talking about.  That's what's funny.  I just hate it that people like you are allowed to vote.

  20. Palin is a Governor of a state that borders Russia. She commands the national guard and deals with the state budget.

    Alaska is the largest U.S. state by area (by a substantial margin), and one of the wealthiest (per capita).

  21. You actually looked her up and are still impressed?  She is being criticized because Obama was critized for his lack of experience, and then Palin was chosen despite her only having roughly two years experience as governor of a state with a smaller population than Indianapolis.  Prior to that she was mayor of a town whose population is under 10,000.  She is hardly experience, and criticizing Obama for his lack of experience then picking her is hypocrisy at it's finest.

  22. Read "Tredd's" answer and then ask yourself why Obama isn't way ahead. Why has Obama not been able to pull ahead if America is so in love with him?

    Edit: Let's analyze their different experiences objectively here. Biden has a ton of experience in the senate, and, stances aside, is the clear leader in experience. McCain, however, isn't far behind. They both have senate experience.

    Obama has some senate experience. Palin has little experience, but it's also EXECUTIVE experience, somethng that neither Obama nor Biden has.

    And, above all, people criticize her for being 'one heart beat away from the Presidency" and poor judgement on McCain's part. Well, Obama isn't much better off experience wise -perhaps less so, since it's not executive- except he's running for the actual Presidency. No heartbeat involved, he's already there!

    I don't think it's hypocrisy on the Republicans' part. If she were running for President, it most certainly would be. She's not. She's running for VP. People cite McCain's age...I really don't think it'll be a problem. He's in good health. And 72 isn't as old as it used to be. Look how old our other presidents have made it. Ford lived to be 93, Reagan 93, Carter is still going.

    His age is not a concern.

  23. I think that Obama hit it out of the park last night when he made the statement that this election is about what the American people want in 2008. Bringing a right- wing, gun-packing, soccer-mom from Alaska onboard as a Vice Presidential candidate in hopes of pulling the Clinton vote appears to be "Carl Rove" business as usual and another insult to the voters of this nation on the part of the GOP. McCain and the rest of the Republicans really don't get it this time. What do we have to show for the past eight years of Republican control of the White House? We have an economy in the tank, a dismal decline in U S standing around the world, an unnecessary war Iraq for the benefit big oil, and a government that has been the most unresponsive to the electorate in the history of this nation since that of Herbert Hoover. The packed house in Mile High Stadium and the 35 million television viewers that watched Obama's speech last night should provide the Republican Party with a clue as to its aspirations for maintaining the Presidency. We're eight years overdue for a change and a McCain/Palin ticket isn't itThere is NO way any Clinton supporters are going to support McCain just because he picked a women. Clinton supporters will never support someone as right-wing and "out of the mainstream" as Paulin. Her husband is in big oil and she is against equal pay for women, a women's right to chose and g*y rights. She is Bush in a dress with NO experience in foriegn affairs, she has not met any foriegn leaders and with John McCain's age and health the fact that this completely inexpericed women could someday be president is unacceptable and frightning. This is not change this more of the same and enough is enough. VOTE OBAMA/Biden

  24. She has been Governor of Alaska for LESS than two years. While being in an executive position, it's an executive position in a state with population less than Memphis, Tennessee! but can I say that the woman doesn't even have her masters degree! Shouldn't a potential United States president have a masters in law or politics? She has a bachelors in journalism!!! Obama graduated from law school at HARVARD!!! Is this not a big deal to anyone?

  25. You’re right. They’re saying she has like no experience but look at Obama, he was only in the senate for what two years, wow! That’s a ton of experience!! They just want to make it look like he has more experience when he doesn’t  

  26. They can't think of anything else. That tells you that they're blown away by the decision to choose Palin. McCain's a sly old dog. You have to admire him.

    The rug has been pulled out from under BHO. He had just ascended to the mountaintop, and then that rug--whoops!

  27. Obama is a god to you demo commies.

    He scares me  really I will not feel safe with Obama in office,

    Love or hate G W Bush but you cant argue that we haven't been attacked since sept 11th.

  28. I think it's a bad idea for the Obama camp to bring up experience because it just draws attention to his own lack of it.  Besides, she has way more relevant experience than he does, and she has executive experience.  I just watched an interview with her on MSNBC and I am very impressed too.

  29. That isn't the issue. Her ethical problems and her stance on abortion are the problems for me. She is under investigation for using her office for a personal vendetta. She would ban abortion in every instance...even if the life of the mother is in jeopardy from the pregnancy.

  30. Ms. Palin clearly pales in comparison to both Obama and Biden. She's been on the city council and mayor of a very small town, and governor of a state with a very small population. She also only has a BA in journalism (with a minor in political science), where as both democratic nominees have advanced law degrees. It's also painfully transparent that McCain only asked her to be VP because of her gender, which could swing some disillusioned Hillary supporters, instead of choosing any one of several more capable candidates.

  31. I think they are using it as a form of irony. McCain has been complaining about Obamas lack of experience (A really unimportant non-issue to be honest) and they are pointing out "You and your guys have been complaining about Obamas lack of experience, and look who you brought in".

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