
The Olympics must've been fixed. That's the only reason I can think of why GB wo so many medals?

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The next Olympics are to be held in London, this was purely to generate some interest to the Britsh general public. What do you think?




  1. Well your definately not an Australian as we were all thrilled that Britain was winning so many medals, it made a change from the Chinese and Americans winning them all.  Contrary to some bizarre opinions I see on these pages Australians love seeing great performances like the british cycle team.  To answer the original question, the Olympics wouldn't be rigged for britains benefit, outside the big two no other country has much clout

  2. We won so many medals because of lottery funding. We're no longer second best at sport because the money is available to fund world class training facilities.

  3. You are kidding right? I think a more plausible explaination is that the athletes were psyched and gearing up for next time around. GB had more medals then they have had in a long while (since the early 1900's) But so did the USA, who had their most ever since 1904 in a non-boycotted games. Was the fix in for the US team as well? What about China? They came out of no where to take the lead in gold medals...

  4. So... you think Beijing fixed it for GB to win medals.......?  I find that most unlikely.  Do I detect sour grapes perhaps?


  5. They won them fairly, but there has been quite a lot of money put behind the sports which helped  

  6. SOD OFF where the h**l you from eh those athletes won them fair and square weve always been good at the sailing and cycling true we won a few unexpeted medal but thats because we earned them how dare you criticise the GB team for bein fixed at winning medals if any it should be China how many did they win, but then again china push their athletes beyond what thay can do all the time so again SOD OFF

  7. Go wash your mouth out. Team GB yay !!

  8. Are you some kind of Australian whinging bad loser?

  9. Well, at first they forgot they were next on line, so they give their all so prove they are going to be a competitive host

  10. get bent tosser.

    GB RULE!

  11. I suspect you are a bit of a wind-up artist.

    To accept what you say would be an insult to the amazing hard work put in by the team and the amount of lottery funding which has at last given our athletes the facilities they deserve. If you look at the list of Gold medal winners, a lot of them are world champions as well so this was no "flash in the pan" piece of luck.

  12. aussie aussie aussie......silver bronze and fourth

    Go team GB you got the ball rolling for 2nd place and 40 golds in 2012

  13. I think you need to get a life.  

  14. What are you on about?

    If you think about all the medals Germany and Russia and even the States have won in the past before draconian drugs testing was introduced i am sure many of the medal will be taken away from those athletes.

    Go spout your stupid conspiracy theories elsewhere please, its insulting to those who worked hard for what they achieved.

  15. The only times there were suggestions that the results were rigged was during the diving and the taekwando events. And these came from British (BBC) commentators who should have offered their apologies for baseless accusations but didn't. All the judging panels were drawn from different countries and while that does not exclude the occasion sympathetic vote, there is no evidence that there was any systematic bias. It would have been difficult to rig anything and keep it a secret. One of the reasons given by the athletes themselves is that the venues and facilities were so good that they felt they could give off their best. Let's hope that they can say that of London.

  16. considering we won nearly all of our medals in events that did not have judges that makes no sense, the technology doesnt lie

  17. How on earth could a worldwide event like the Olympics be 'STAGED'.

    The answer is we have great athletes in GB.

    That is why we had 18 golds, 16 silver and 13 bronze medals.

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