
The Only Sensible Way To Live In This World Is Without Rules? Do you agree with this?

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The Only Sensible Way To Live In This World Is Without Rules? Do you agree with this?




  1. Nope. Never been a fan of anarchy and chaos. I like order discipline and justice.

  2. I completely disagree as this would lead to incredible amounts of violence, anarchy, and a disabling of any form of justice.

  3. In a way I do because boundaries and rules seem to create more chaos because people are outraged about and are going to break them anyways. But I believe in morals and respecting others. Too bad were not born perfect.......because of our imperfections and urges and the occasional psycho we need rules.

  4. Rules are necessary for a society to function, that is why societies always have them.  Consider the basic rules of language like vocabulary and grammar, without them you couldn't communicate.  Even nonhuman social structures, like wolf packs or lion prides, have clear social conventions.  Trying to ignore that reality and live outside it is not only not sensible, it would be utter insanity.

  5. well the 10 commandments, it seems like they were meant to be broken

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