
The Opening of Beijing Olympics 2008 was very famous worldwide, So what about China?

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How China looks as country worldwide? I hope to have a good impact the Olympics.




  1. People who want to know and have an educated opinion know that China is a great country, and has done amazing things in the past two decades to further industry, education and social programs for its people.  They also know China is committed to eradicating the problems with pollution and has been for awhile now, unlike the USA and Canada who have constantly refused to sign the KYOTO accord.

    Educated informed people know that the USA is the second biggest polluter in the world.

    Educated informed people also know that Canada and the USA both have multiple human rights crimes filed against them with Amnesty International and that people are imprisoned and held without legal access or due process in BOTH Canada and the USA. AND TORTURED.

    Educated informed people know that protestors are arrested and even beaten by the police in Canada and the USA and other western countries.

    People with even half a brain know that rebel factions, terrorists and people seeking to overthrow the country would NOT be tolerated in ANY Western country.  Look at Waco ! Look at the PQ in Quebec.

    Unfortunately a lot of really ignorant people want to believe the lies the media reports, want to believe the worst of China because it makes their countries look good.  Never mind the starving people in Canada and the USA, the homeless, people undergoing chemo forced to live on the streets.

    1.5 million CHILDREN living in extreme poverty in Canada. Disabled people forced to live on the streets.  Women being kidnapped, raped and murdered, a horrific amount of child murders in Canada and other western countries.

    Poor people are being forced out of their homes for the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver and whats so FUNNY is Cdns and Americans are posting its ok if its happening in Canada but not ok in China.   Utter complete rubbish !

    I have lived in China and I am not at all surprised how well China has done !  The Chinese spirit is something that makes the western countries rabid with envy and fear of losing position on the world economic stage.

    Canada and the USA have propered for years thanks to ASIAN INVESTMENT in their countries. IF the Asians withdrew these countries would crumble like a house of cards.

    GO CHINA ! Love ya and congratulations on and amazing incredible job -

    As a Canadian I apologize for the idiot PM we have who didnt attend and was pretty much the ONLY head of state who didnt. Canada loses face because of this jackass and I am embarassed.

  2. China is already well known even before the Olympics. There are Chinese people in every country. The very successful opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics has shown that China is emerging fast and that China is no longer the same China as it was 50 years ago. True China has some human rights issues but so is every country in the world. No country is perfect. More importantly China is changing and improving and these changes and improvements take time. it's just the same like when one makes mistake, it is more important for that person to realise his mistake and not to repeat the same mistake.

    There is only one reason why China is constantly being bashed by the westerners. The first reason is western countries espeically America have started to feel insecure due to the rapid rise of China, something which they should feel worry. It is not like China is going to invade these countries and steal from them. Those who choose to target how China treats its people or the Tibet issue, do you think these people really care about people in China or Tibet. They are just using them as tools to bash China. These westerners should look at their own backyward first before criticising others. Do people in Tibet or China suffer more than people in Iraq ? The answer is obvious.

    China has more friends and less enemy than most western countries again in particularly America and majority of people in China are proud being Chinese. Even Muslims in China are proud to be called Chinese ( as citizens , not as etnic ). Only those fanatics are creating trouble.  

  3. well...the opening ceremony was really amazing, considering that the whole construction costs $40 billion!

    in my opinion, china is similar to other countries, like the united states. china is growing rapidly...and a lot of the environment is taking a toll with all the pollution. even though people may disagree with the politics and poverty, i think china stepped it up with their ceremony, so that it was about the celebration and the problems could be set aside for the olympics.

  4. Hi, I watched on

    Yes, very famous The Opening of Beijing Olympics 2008.

    Sorry but all views China same like the items MADE IN CHINA

    Most probably have a good impact the Olympics.

  5. isotope2001, with my upmost respect, I salute you.

    just for the fact that you are truly someone who's educated & informed, not like some people here who pretend to be smart.

  6. The West is full of double standards such as Free Tibet and all the human rights. Once you realize much of media is just geopolitical propaganda, it'll make more sense.

    As for the Olympics, it is good that China is hosting but for the world who will still keep their xenophobic attitudes towards the country, remember that most of the "protesters" don't even care about Tibet or how bad China is.  These protesters will support anything with human rights written all over as for China....I hope for the best that some attitudes will change and that people will understand the country more.

  7. I think the whole world have a pretty good idea about china. with its grand stadiums and all including last night's Olympic opening it would come down in history books as one of the grandest ambitious event in 2008, a world historical event, if not part in china's history book.

  8. it really depends on the personal opinions of a person. majority of people, whether chinese or foreign, basically feel that the opening ceremony was magnificent and was a success( which is what i think also), but if you look through some of the comments on other questions, some people are already criticising china, and not for legitimate reasons, if you know what i mean.

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