
The Orange Walk?

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I was walking in my local town the other day when someone told me about the "big walk" that was taking place later on that day. I know the Orange Walk happens near enough every year, but I dont really know what its about. Something to do with Catholics?

I just don't really understand what its about and why the parade even takes place.

If anyone could fill me in, thanks?




  1. i won't add to what everyone has said, except for d lecter, well if it had have been the catholics/jacobites who had WON then THEY would be marching it brought freedom from catholic roman rule throughout the protestant countries of europe it was much much more about who ended up ruling ireland.

  2. The 12th July celebrations in Northern Ireland are the largest folk festival in Europe. Well worth a look, either in reality or in the media. It's a fun celebration of being Protestant and the Glorious Revolution of 1688-90.

    The walks are usually accompanied by bonfires the previous evening, either at nightfall or at midnight.

    Some parades in Northern Ireland will take several hours to go by. Loads of bands, banners and people.

    The 12th and 13th July are holidays and most people enjoy the days off if nothing else.

  3. it all about triumphalism and bigoted racist who want not to march but to march past catholic estates ,king William of orange dutch g*y king actually he was into young boys so he was probably the first recognised paedophile fought at the battle of the boyne which now belongs not to the orange men but the catholic Irish in fact north of Ireland is now governed by the IRA who forced Britten into surrender no mater how anyone wants to dress it up its fact Sinn Fein rule the country and the walks are now limited to where Sinn Fein say they can march orange-ism is dying on its feet it will cease to exist in just a few years time

  4. basically its a triumphalist procession by thousands of racist and sectarian bigots. best avoided if possible

  5. its a fantastic way of getting fit....throw bricks at them, try and pinch the bass drum then smash it over their heads.

    they are not humans so its fine..most of them dont know why they are marching either..they are like lemmings...

  6. when taking place in ireland its to do with irish history.

    so way way back long ago there was ireland, and ireland was fully irish and irish culture was everywhere throughout ireland

    and everyones a happy camper getting by

    then.. (much like the germans in ww2 invading neighbouring countries).. britiain sees ireland and says 'im having that'

    and britain invades but the irish fight back. and theres lots and lots of fighting and britain wins as its fking massive like a big school bully (or like the germans against poland). but britains not happy as ireland has an annoying habit of always rebelling and the land seems to keep changing hands ...invasion...domination...rebellion...f... etc

    anyway one day britain gets a bit tired of this and says right these natives keep fighting and taking back their land so what needs to be done is this.... we'll stick a load of our people on their land ..(we'll kick the natives out first obviously ..they wont mind).. and that way there will be enough of our people living there to hold on to the land we stole. (and we'll call our people planters)

    So time passes and once again ...surprise... the british start getting kicked out again but this time their plan sort of works, they only get kicked out of 3/4 of ireland.

    The hangers on realise that the natives probably arent too happy with them...history of invasion and oppression and all that...and unsurprisingly the natives arent.

    anyway the two sides start to hate and fear each other and fight each other on a small scale and they start marking out their territories ...grouping together among themselves.

    each side learns to stick to their own streets and areas to avoid a kicking/stabbing/shooting etc. theres a cultural war, kerbs are painted, flags put out streets renamed etc etc.

    So anyway the point of the orange march is for team planter to walk down team natives streets banging drums and making a big noise and glorifying the invasion of the island, generally taking the pi55 and saying na na na na na cant touch us we run this place.

    keep in mind that the very reason for the orange order existing is to celebrate a protestant king winning a battle over a catholic king and that you cant join if you ...or your parents are jewish ...ahem ..sorry ...i mean catholic.

  7. Orange Walks are a series of parades held annually by members of the Orange Order during the summer in Northern Ireland, to a lesser extent in Scotland, and occasionally in England, the Republic of Ireland, and throughout the Commonwealth. These typically build up to the 12th of July celebrations which mark Prince William of Orange's victory over King James II at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690. Although the term 'Orange march' is widely used in the media, the Order prefers terms such as 'walk' or 'demonstration'.

    Throughout the history of the Orange Order, Orange walks have faced opposition, generally from Catholics and nationalists, who feel that the parades are sectarian and triumphalist. Although many nationalists find the parades offensive where ever they take place, conflict usually only arises when a walk passes through or near a Catholic-dominated area.

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