
The P60 my current employer gave me today even didn't have my NI number on it. Is this acceptable?

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I am really annoyed by my manager. she kept delaying things like my ni number,it's been 16 months and she hasn't got time to put in on my payslip. very stupid and lazy!! I am leaving the company and have a great new job. I just want to make things straight before I leave.




  1. No problem as far as you are concerned. Your form P60 is quite legal.

    If your manager doesn't put your NI number on the HMRC/NI copies, forms P14, there may be some hiccups between her and them. At one time, they used to send stroppy letters, don't know what current action is.

  2. IT Job-

  3. I wouldn't worry. The only reason you are likely to actually need your P60, other than for your own records, is if you want to claim an overpayment of income tax for the year just ended. In which case your employer will have also sent HMRC a similar form (a P14) which I would imagine will have your national insurance number on it. If you do need to claim a repayment just make sure the cover letter includes your NI number.

  4. If you're leaving, make sure your NI number is put on your P45 when it's given to you.

  5. It could be worse my pay slips have my surname spelt wrong. I keep notifying the appropriate people but its taking ages to get sorted out

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