
The POWER of MYTH by Joesph Campbell?

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I read the book and it had some good insight. but I still have a few questions that Im wondering about.

What is the "literature of the spirit" that he refers to? What is it?

What did Campbell mean when he talked about that his computer had a mythological message?

Can anyone explain to me Campbells ideas of myths functions??? especially the third and fourth function.

I do not understand the Gaia principle.

Can anyone give me some more insight about this? Its been on my mind lately. And im going to need to know about this when school starts in case we gotta write an essay or something.

thank you!




  1. Joseph Campbell was a brilliant and intuitive man, who understood the journey that we all take in overcoming  our inner selves.  Literature of the spirit, speaks of our inner most selves, the facets that make up the whole, and it is usually love, the awareness of, quest for, surrender to, that which is within us and without our grasp, that the literature speaks to us and begins our journey for spiritual growth, we are more than crude matter.  The computer mirrors us and also projects us, this is part of the cycle in mythological terms.   Gaia is a huge subject, it envelopes all of natural life and cycles, find more books from Campbell, he has written a few!!  They will help, if you want to know about the Mother Goddess, find this book: The Mother Goddess by Robert Graves.

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