
The PSC downgrades satins Members of the three critical but not expelled

by  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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After the commission warranties PSC critics yesterday expelled MPs of all party organs, the direction of the Social Democratic Party has suspended this morning were all elected positions they had, but has avoided deportation. " One charge, to vote as they please. Remain Members of the PSC, but only formally. Represent not match anything," said this morning a leader of the PSC to illustrate the loss of confidence. Joan Ignasi Elena was until today the spokesman in the culture committee of the Parliament, Marina Geli in health and Núria Ventura in childhood. From now on they removed these powers and all that could have as Members except salary and participate in the voting of the Parliament.

The meeting of the leadership of the Socialist parliamentary group lasted about two hours. When finished, Pere Navarro, head of the PSC, has left the Parliament shortly after 13 hours without making any statement. Was PSC spokesman in the camera, Maurici Lucena, who telephoned each of the three deputies and told them they were clear of all charges. Lucena explained that the decision to remove them from all their functions as deputies was " consistent" with the one adopted yesterday by the commission of guarantees and has insisted that it was in both cases for interim measures.

Lucena was the one who announced last Thursday that it would seek immediately to his three deputies minutes after sovereignty were aligned with the block and voted for the bill to Congress to transfer the power to organize referendums. Lucena in the end opted to extend the deadline until Sunday. Today the leadership of the parliamentary group has agreed to let deputies as privates.

The direction of the PSC calls for the expulsion of the three parliamentary party but the inner workings of the party is guarantor and has to wait to see how the record ends yesterday opened the commission guarantees. Individuals may now file claims and processing period opens. No one doubts that if the expulsion from the party was consummated, Navarro also expelled from the parliamentary group, but it is currently considered "hasty " decision.

Lucena has declined to rule this morning on whether the three deputies will be fined for breaking the discipline of PSC vote. "This is a political problem and we want to give a political response," insisted the socialist parliamentary spokesman, who said " I did not want to foreshadow the decision of the Commission guarantees that the PSC exists division of powers."

With this decision, the deputies will continue to occupy his seat in the socialist group. Tomorrow the Parliament celebrates the city in which the Catalan Budget 2014, which will come forward with the agreement of ERC and CiU vote.

 Tags: Critical, downgrades, expelled, PSC, satins


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