
The Pazmanian Devil Vinny Paz?

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Remember "The Pazmanian Devil" Vinny Paz (formerly Pazienza). He was my favorite fighter for the longest time and I greatly admired his courageous comeback from a broken neck.

Vinny Paz will be a guest on my radio show tomorrow night (Thursday at 8:00 pm EST). I am listing an outline of questions to ask him and topics to discuss.

Any other Vinny Paz fans out there? What do you think his final legacy will be? Do you think he is worthy of being in the Hall of Fame?

The show is available live online at - there is info on the right-hand side on how to listen live and join our chat room. The show is also archived on the site so you can listen at a later time.

Do you have any questions you want me to ask? And please don't request anything insulting or derogatory? Thanks!!!




  1. Pas is definitly not hall of fame. I watched him before his injury when he fought lightweight. Had he fought fighters like the great Roberto Duran before Duran was old and done he would have got knocked out in any round Duran decided to put him out. I give Vinny credit for coming back after the accident but I'm originally from New England. (Boston) I seen him before the injury and after he looked about twice his size. I'm not saying he took steroids or anything but he looked as big as Hagler. If you see the 2 fights he had with Duran he had no power for that weight. In fact Duran looked like the more powerful puncher even at age when he should have been retired.

  2. He is borderline hall of fame.  In terms of entertainment and body punching he was outstanding!

  3. I'm a massive Vinny Paz fan and i am one of the few who think he may well be worthy of a place in the Hall of fame, if not just for his achievements in the ring (5 x World Champ, 50 Wins) then the massive achievement of fighting his way back from that accident, the pictures of him in the gym while he was still in a neck brace always live long in my memory. I am also amazed that now he has retired that they haven't tried to make a film about him, i thought it was a no brainer that his life story would be made into a film.

    Some of the questions i might ask would be

    1, Which fight gave him the most satisfaction ?

    I would think the Rosenblatt fight but would like to hear what he had to say about it.

    2, Are there any plans in the future for a film and who would he want to play him ?

    That would be a great question, he would definitely go for the youngest best looking Italian American actor if not himself.

    3, What does he think of the state of modern boxing and which are his favourite fighters ?

    I cant imagine Vinny liking the way a lot of the modern American fighters are fighting apart from Pavlik and Berto maybe but would like to hear his views on the matter.

    I will definitely listen in.

    I met Vinny Paz not so long ago myself at a big fight in Vegas and what a great guy he was, some fighters i have met before can be kind of arrogant but not Vinny, he and his friends were extremely nice people who sat and had a drink and a chat with us and he even went back to his room to get some copys of his new dvd for us which he signed for us, great guy.

  4. Ask him about the shutout round Roy Jones Jr pitched against him, ask him if it was bullshit cause it looked to me like he did land a punch or two.

    Why the name change

    Not a hall of famer, I don't think so, he was an exciting fighter and fun too watch. His legacy will be that he was an exciting and electrifying fighter who had a ton of heart and chin to match.

    Id say hes along the line of an Arturo Gatti only a little better in the victory over solid opponents.

  5. the obvious one would be "how tough was it returning to training, and subsequently, the ring after the car accident, and how many fights did it take before the neck problems weren't at the forefront of his mind?

    best of luck with the interview.

  6. Paz is the business and his record says s, he may have had some fights that he obviously could have won easier if he had used his silky skills more.but he loved to give the fans a tear-up and good value for money,no Paz fight was boring you always got what you wanted with the devil.and he  was champ a number of times at different weights he was a boxer with great skills and defense but didn't run all the time,and most good boxers would.but Paz could brawl with the brawlers bomb with the bombers and box with the boxers he could do it all,but loved to beat you at your own game. were as other fighters do their best to stop you fighting your fight,and fighting it their way but Paz was so good he loved to let you have it your way and beat you. which most fighters wouldn't dare do  because they couldn't win them at their own game as they can't switch to suit so many styles,so they have to switch the fight in to their kind of fight.paz should definitely be in the hall of fame hes the biz and one of my all time faves.and im british but totally honest and non biest.Paz was no spring chicken him self when he totally out classed Duran,and was way past it when he fought Roy Jones in his prime and put up a good enough account of him self for someone who was so unevenly matched.and after the fight Jones him self said to magazine reporters that he gives Paz more respect than anyone he had fought.and that Paz went out on his shield like a true warrior,and i wouldn't argue with that.Paz is a true ambassador for boxing hes a shinning example of a tue fighter and gentleman with hero qualities. some one i would love my kids to inspire to be like,un like some athletes.

  7. I'm sure all the questions will be addressed during the interview which I will try to tune in to.  I just want to wish Vinny well.  I've met him many times during my 16 years in the casino industry in CT.  I also met him in Atlantic City NJ when I worked there in the 80s.  He invited me to watch him spar in preparation for his fight with Joe Frazier Jr.  

    Vinny was always a fan's fighter and he will always be one of my personal favorites.  I wish him well.

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