
The Pens came within 2 inches of tieing the game with 1.5 seconds left but they did not get it I hate Detroit?

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The Pens came within 2 inches of tieing the game with 1.5 seconds left but they did not get it I hate Detroit?




  1. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand granades...We'll get em next year.

  2. I can see how you feel about it, but remember, it's just a game.  Coming so close to winning but not being able to do so seems like a disappointment, but when you think that there are much more desperate issues in this world, like the price of oil or the food shortages all over the world, this Pittsburgh loss is microscopic compared to this.  I wanted Pittsburgh to win, too, but I realise that it was only a game; it was only a trophy to be won.  I'm sure you'd be thinking a lot differently if you heard that oil and gas prices and food prices started declining and became much more affordable again.  Anyways, maybe Pittsburgh will win it all next year.

  3. I am a Pitt fan too my friend.....

    Detroit can go to h**l

  4. im with u on that one

  5. if only they had about 10 seconds more

  6. Well at least Osgood got a chance to know how Fluery felt in the end. I'll give the Red Wings respect for doing so good, and give the Penguins respect for never giving up. Not only on that one but with a little more time to shoot right Hossa probably would have or should have got the tying goal. He didn't have any time to do anything but hit it and hope for the best.

    Oh and badasssteve way to show that class you're talking about.

  7. ya its sucks - im so disapointed but i guess detroit wanted it more,  but Pittsburg's a young team, they will come back next year

    i think both teams deserve credit though, just for making it that far ... but thats just my opinion        haha, i guess Toronto's back to being my team again !!  wooh

  8. I know it was so close...but that's life....don't worry I'm sure that the pens will be back next year.

  9. that was the best effort to score i have ever seen in any game...i cant believe it didnt go in, but the pens stuck around to congratulate the wings

  10. you cant really hate detroit just because of their hockey team.

    thats life.. there are winners and losers

  11. Don't hate them, they won fair and square. You have to admit they played well. Sometimes in the series you could see the the Pens quit, on for a few minutes, you never say that with th Wings. I wanted the Penguins to win, but I am still happy for the Wings.

  12. I'm with you on this one.

  13. Well, the Pens blew it by not scoring on that 5 on 3. It's really their fault. Also, Fleury sat on goal #3 so it easily could have gone to OT if those two things turned out differently.

  14. Aghh! If fleury hadn't fallen on his a**, and let the d**n puck get by, we would still be playing the game right now.

    But wow! an unspeakable goal shot in the final second of the game!

    god d**n you redwings! I now face a long summer of getting picked on, and getting told "you suck" "pens suck", and other things, because I unfortunatley live in western michigan! I hate the god d**n redwings!

  15. Even if that puck had crossed the line, it wouldn't have counted...clock had already expired, watch the replay.

  16. Honestly, they one a a fluke .2 mph plus then Fleury sat on it...I said to myself right after that.."Yep, games over, the Cup is won on a stupid fluke trickle in..."  ehh whateverer., To me, it doesnt feel like the wings won...I felt no emotion...  after the clock  hit zero...The celebration lost its excitment & its meaning.., &  after that,I had no resentment, just pure disappointment that the cup is won on a non effort shot......the cup does not deserve to be treated like that lol.....

    I'm not hating on the Wings at all, Pens may have shown their down times more then the Wings, but its probably because their young mentality are more of a bumpy rollercoaster, then what their 10 year older opponents mindset were....It wasn't a good finale....i rather have had the 3OT...switched w/ the exception of the Wings scoring....that would have been more fitting...

  17. You may hate Detroit but guess what. They still won, that doesn't change anything.

    You should still be proud of your team, they did an amazing job and didn't make it easy for our team to get it.

    I mean if the Penguins had won, I wouldn't be going on the Internet and saying " I hate Pittsburgh." Grow up.

  18. Detroit won, Penguins didn't. That is just the way it went. You gotta accept defeat, don't worry. Penguins will be back in the Stanley Cup next year... may I mention we have a lot of young players. Where they want to prove to themselves and the fans that they have what it takes to win the Cup... just not compete for it.


  20. I love Osgood for not letting it in!!!!!!!!!!

    I love Fleury for scoring for Detroit!!!!!!

  21. Well thanks for congratulating us. You guys have a great club and should be proud of it........and you should not disrespect it by acting petty.

  22. As a Pgh fan Why would u hate Detroit. They played a good game and they won..congratulate them. Pgh will have their turn. They are young and they are good. Don't be a pissy fan, you make the rest of us look bad. Congrat's detroit!

  23. I hear ya Farky.  Unfortunate it was, but Detroit won, so we should take this time to at least congratulate them on playing good hockey!

  24. Im with you on that one.

    That game was so cheap.. Detriot didnt even come close to deserving it.

    Lets just hope the Pens can keep Malone and their other free agents and take the cup next year.

  25. Poor baby, suck it up. Detroit was the better team of the two and deserved to win it. As a matter of fact it shoulda been a 3-1 games but we almost got screwed over by the refs again. Close call...

  26. Congratulations to the Redwings on their victory and to the Penguins for a hard fought season.  Regardless if your team won or lost have some respect and show some class.

  27. As Artie Lange would say....


  28. That is awesome that the Wings won by such a close game!

    Next year, due to all the contract disputes, the Penguins won't even make the playoffs.

    Chew on that s**+.tstick. Now take your emo and /wrist yourself .

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